Chapter 19: Ross's Fury

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Alarms started to blare in the Raft shortly after lights out time for the prisoners. Ross was on a different floor above where Peter and Norman were so he had no clue what was going on yet. Ross's men quickly led him to a secure spot. Ross did not want to stay in the panic room, but before he could object he was shoved in and the door was locked from the outside. It was as if he were a prisoner in his own domain. Ross was enraged that his men believed him to be too fragile to handle a volatile situation. As soon as he gets out of there, he was going to fire every single one of those imbeciles.

Ross could feel vibrations all around him. He could tell that there was a major fight going on out there. He could tell that there was a major threat loose on the Raft. No one is telling him what is going on, and his communication devices are all cut off by the Vibranium enforced doors of this panic room. He could hear faint yells, but he could not tell exactly what was going on yet. He was enraged that he was shoved in here like a useless mutt.

Ross heard a heavy thump against the door and heard a massive roar echo outside of the panic room. Whatever is loose, it must be massive, because if it can make a sound that echoes inside the panic room when it is outside a Vibranium door, it is highly dangerous. It proves him right, it proves that enhanced beings are way too dangerous to be left alone. It proves that enhanced beings must be stopped.

The noises and alarms stopped after about an hour, and Ross waited for one of the imbeciles to let him out. It took another hour until someone let him out. Ross clambered out from the panic room and complained about how incompetent his employees are. He quickly shut up when he saw his entire team dead on the floor surrounding the panic room.

The man who released him from the panic room started filling him in on the situation. He told Ross that the two most important prisoners on the Raft escaped. Ross was furious. He just hopes that not all of the research that Osborn did was destroyed. Ross left the agent standing there and went towards the staircase. The stairs were a complete mess. They were bent out of shape, and guards' bodies littered the stairs. The panic room was located only feet away from the stairs, and that must be how he heard the huge roars.

The stairs below the level he was on are out of shape until the level below where Norman and Peter had been kept. Ross slowly and carefully made his way down the mangled staircase. There was blood covering each step. Blood of his men was everywhere in the carnage that the beast brought forth. Ross made his way onto the floor where his office once was. Everything on this side of the floor was destroyed. Ross made his way to his office, and he took note of the cell doors that had been ripped off of the Spider and Osborn's cells.

Ross's office was in disarray, but it was on the other side of the floor, where the beast did not rampage. The vibrations from the beast's roars had been enough to break the glass of the case that held the Goblin serum. Ross quickly raced to his desk and opened the drawer that contained the Gamma serum. He sighed in relief when he found the vial unharmed. The Goblin serums are unharmed, but the case they are in is completely broken.

The shelves had shattered and other serums had rolled to the floor or broken on contact. It was a mess. Luckily for Ross, the Goblin serum was stored on the bottom shelf, so none of it was lost. The office was in complete disarray. Papers were scattered everywhere. It was as if the beast had come through here, but Ross knew that the vibrations caused by the beast are what caused this disarray. He's just lucky that the beast did not manage to destroy the Raft with all of them still on it.

Ross uploaded the footage from the cameras in Osborn and the Spider's cells to a flash drive for later viewing. Right now, his main goal is to see what on Earth happened. He wants to know how two of his most important prisoners gained the means to escape. First, he has to get off of this floating death trap though. Today was too close of a call for him.

Ross gathered samples of the Goblin serum and stored them in a containment unit. He did the same with the Gamma serum and the Anti-Enhanced serum. The Raft was already floating towards the surface, and it would be a matter of hours until Ross would be leaving to file reports and handle the inevitable crap-storm that comes with a prison breakout.

Ross was furious. He lost his test subject and top scientist. Without those two, his plans come to a halt. He had checked in Norman's cell to see if any of the scientist's notes were salvageable, but his notes had been completely destroyed and there were no copies of them. Ross had reports in his office concerning the experiments and the newest serum, but those reports did not contain the ingredients or development process of the serums. Ross was a sitting duck. All of his hard work was gone with the Beast. Many of his men are dead, and his plans have come to a stand still. Needless to say, Ross is doomed.

Ross had packed up everything he needed and sat it to the side in his office, it would still be a little while before the Raft completely surfaced. In the meantime, Ross decided to review the footage from when Peter and Osborn escaped almost two hours ago. Ross started the footage at the time the alarms went off and when the lights automatically came on because of the alarms. He watched as the Green Goblin tore the door off of Peter's cell and strapped the collar around Peter's neck again. Ross smirked when he saw that part. He watched as Osborn took out the guards and rampaged. He stopped the footage once Osborn left the frame of the secret cameras.

Ross pulled up his security cameras from the stairwells and watched as Osborn continued his rampage while going towards the top floor. He watched as his men were killed by the beast. He watched as the beast carried the now unconscious boy towards the top level. Ross changed his camera view and watched as the two escaped. Ross was furious. The dirty scientist tricked him. He made more Goblin serum and hid it from him.

Ross would have continued with his visible fury, except for the fact that the alarms started going off again. This alarm was different though. This alarm indicated that the Avengers were coming. Ross took out a vial of the Goblin serum and filled a syringe with it. He would be prepared when the Avengers got to him. He would not be going down without a fight.

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