Chapter 21: Escaped the Crazy, Now Trapped With The Crazier

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Norman arrived in New York airspace a couple of hours later and made his way to upstate New York where one of his hideouts were. A few airports tried to get him on the radio, but Norman did not want anyone knowing where he was. Norman landed the helicopter on a clear patch of grass miles away from his hideout. He did not want anyone to even try and track where he was taking Peter.

Peter was still passed out, so Norman carried him out of the helicopter and sat him on the ground while he gathered a few supplies from the helicopter's emergency kits. Norman did not feel like carrying Peter the whole way, so he made a pull-able cot. He laid Peter down on the cot made from an emergency blanket secured by strings and sticks. It would be sturdy enough to hold the boy's weight as he dragged him behind him. Norman tied Peter's wrists up around the sticks he used to make the cot. He tied Peter's legs up at the ankles so that he could make no attempts to escape if he were to awaken. Norman believed that it would still be hours before Peter would wake up, but he did not want to take any chances. Norman put on the emergency backpack that he filled up from the helicopter and began dragging Peter behind him. It would be at least half a day before he got them to his safe house.

Norman was not worried about being found because his safe house is completely off the grid. It is continuously stocked with supplies that last at least one month at a time, well maybe less now that he has his son to worry about. The house has water from a well and solar powered electricity. The house is completely off the grid. No one except for Norman knows about it. It was not even mentioned as one of his assets when they were seized.

Norman made the long trek towards this safe house and wondered when Peter would wake up. It was sometime in the afternoon when Peter stirred, but did not wake up. It would only be about an hour until they arrived at the safe house. Norman took a swig of water and put the bottle back in the emergency pack. He wanted to give some to Peter, but he did not want to risk choking the unconscious boy.

Norman was exhausted by the time he arrived at the safe house. He went to the door and punched in the code that only he knew. The door opened for him and he drug Peter in behind him. Norman quickly shut the door behind him as the house came to life with light. Peter groaned and began the process of waking up.

The first thing Peter noticed was that his ankles and arms were tied up. Then he noticed that he had a massive headache. Peter was too groggy to panic. Panicking would just make his head hurt more. Peter opened his eyes only to see Norman watching him wake up. Peter thought it was very creepy that Norman was watching him so closely, but it was creepy either way.

Peter was double kidnapped. First he was kidnapped by Ross, and then Osborn helped him escape, only for Osborn to kidnap him again. Peter sighed and contemplated the mess that is his life.

Norman untied his hands and ankles and helped him sit up. Peter got sick when he was moved to sit up. Norman anticipated this and quickly shoved a small trash can under his face. Peter expelled his stomach contents, which was mostly just bile, and laid back down. He was exhausted even though he had just been through a forced sleep session. Peter did not say anything as Norman picked him up and laid him down gently on the living room couch.

Norman sat the little trash can to the side just in case Peter were to get sick again. Peter put his hands over his eyes and groaned. Norman left him alone on the couch for a few minutes while he went to situate and retrieve a few items. Norman got another bottle of water out of the emergency pack and took out a few ibuprofen tablets. He went back to Peter and told him to take them. He was not quite sure if they would work on the kid even when his powers were suppressed, but there was nothing he could do but try to help.

Peter sat up on the couch and took the medicine and water from Norman. He stayed quiet and watched as Norman worked on situating things around the house. Peter wondered where this house came from and who owns it. He was still passed out when he was brought in here, so he has no clue where they are even at. Eventually Norman sat in a chair across from him and began to explain the situation.

"Peter, we are in an isolated location at one of my off the grid safe houses. I'm not sure if Ross will come after us again, but it will be best if we lie low and stay away from the outside. If more supplies are needed, I will be the one to get them. You are not by any means going to leave this house."

Peter listened to Norman's explanations and agreed that it was best to lie low, but he hated that he would be doing that while trapped with another psycho. Peter could never forget that Norman was actually forcing him to stay here and be his son. Hiding from Ross is just Norman's excuse to keep him here. If he could figure out a way to get this collar off, he'd be out of here in under a minute.

"I can see it in your eyes that you're trying to figure out how to escape me. You cannot. In time, you will come to realize that you are my son. We do seriously need to lie low and stay away from the public, but think of it as time to bond with your father. Don't even try to get the collar off either. If you try getting one of those models off it lets loose with a lethal dose of electricity.

Those are a different model from the one I used on you before. These are only controlled by a tiny remote that only I have access to. I am the only one who can release or activate it. There are no codes involved with that model, and the design was made to be unbreakable. You cannot tinker your way out of that collar, and even if you tried, you would be dead before you could even get it off, and I really do not want my son to die, so please, do not even try, or else I will be one devastated father." Norman explained.

Peter frowned. He was really ticked off that there was no way to get this collar off safely without the remote that Norman had on a chain around his neck. He really did not want to risk being electrocuted again. Small shocks are terrible, but one that could kill? He could not even imagine that. Peter sat quietly on the couch until Norman prompted him to get up and follow him.

Norman led him down a long hallway. Norman stopped at the end and opened the massive doors that laid there. He led Peter inside and Peter ogled at how massive this place was. Instead of a safe house, this place was a safe mansion. It's huge. Peter wondered how a place this big could be off the grid. Norman answered that question before he could even ask it.

"This place is hidden with stealth technology much like Stark's jets. The main difference is that this place is entirely powered by solar power. No electronic traces are given off here either. There are no phones, television, or anything else that can be tracked. We are completely alone out here. I know that may sound boring, but as you can see from this room, there are plenty of books to read. This room is mostly the library and sitting room. We entered here through the small entrance of the house that appears to be an abandoned shack from the outside until a certain code is put in. This is the main facility. Now, follow me again. Through these doors lie many bedrooms and restrooms."

Peter gaped at the sheer size of this place. It had to take monumental amounts of solar energy to power this place. Norman led Peter to the bedrooms and opened the door to the room he chose for Peter. The room was equipped with lavish furniture and luxurious drapery that Peter could not even fathom the price of. It was even more luxurious than the glass prison Norman had him in last time. Peter was in awe at the sheer size and lavishness of this place. Norman mistook this awe as gratefulness.

"Well, Peter. I'm glad you like it. This will be our home now. Please rest now, my son. It has been a long ordeal, but we are safe here together now." Norman said and left the bedroom.

Peter shut the bedroom door and delved into his thoughts. He really did not want to stay in this place, but currently he has no choice. He had to come up with an escape plan, or else he'd be trapped in there forever with the psycho. He did not care a bit about luxury. He just wanted to go home and be with Harry and Tony who treat him like a normal person and do not keep him under lock and key.

Peter laid down on the too plush bed. He was still exhausted from the tranquilizer he had been shot with while escaping the Raft. Peter fell asleep quickly while pondering all of the ways he could get himself out of this sticky situation.

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