Chapter 8: Serums, Serums, and Serums!

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It was now nearing August and Norman was making very little progress on a humane anti-enhanced serum. He was able to test it with some of the blood samples that Ross had stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s records. Luckily for him, no one noticed the missing blood because Cap had recently had a blood transfusion after a mission gone wrong. He happened to be working with Captain America's blood samples right now.

Whenever he tested the anti-enhanced serum it would cause the cells to shrivel and die instead of just getting rid of the mutations. Ross is getting impatient with him. Hopefully, this latest test serum will work, or else Ross is bound to do something drastic. Norman finished touching up and creating his latest trial serum and begins to prepare a slide with Captain America's blood. He was in the middle of testing the serum when Ross walked in.

"I see that you're testing that serum again." Ross said patronizingly.

A few seconds later Norman observes the cells shriveling and dying again. Norman grimaces at his disappointing test results.

"Hm. Another failed test. If you fail one more time I will not hesitate to bring in someone that I know will motivate you to get it right." Ross says maniacally.

"There's no need for that Ross. I've completed the Gamma serum, the tranquilizers, and some of the Goblin serum. I just need more time!" Norman pleads.

"You get one more week. If you do not provide me with a working serum by then, you know what will happen." Ross threatened as he left the room.

Norman did not take the threat lightly. In his anger he threw the vial of experimental serum at the wall and it shattered. The serum slowly trickled down the wall and Norman thought of something. Perhaps he needs to add a new ingredient. Something to make the serum completely liquid instead of syrupy. Norman started scheming and working with new ideas for a possibly more efficient serum. He just hopes that this one works.

-One Week Later-

Norman had just finished the new serum. He had just enough of Captain America's blood left to test it. Ross would be coming soon and Norman wanted the serum to be perfect. He prepared a slide of Cap's blood and drew some of the serum into a syringe. Norman injected some of the serum into the blood sample and watched through the microscope as the cells changed. It took the cells about fifteen minutes to fully change. Norman waited and observed as the cells became completely normal. There was no cell shrinkage or death. His next step was to compare the DNA strands to see if the serum completely worked.

Ross arrived shortly after Norman has a breakthrough with the serum.

"Judging by your face, I'm assuming that you finally made a successful serum. I'll be taking that now." Ross said as he took the vial from Norman.

"Ross, you cannot test it yet! I have not compared the DNA strands yet! There's no way to tell if it actually works yet!" Norman exclaimed.

"Your previous serums may have been failures, but this one shows promise. I'll be testing it on someone myself. There's no need to compare the DNA strands. If it does not completely work, you'll just be improving the current serum. Quit complaining and keep making more of this." Ross retorted angrily.

Ross left with the serum and Norman continued his work with the recipe. He had no idea what the possible side effects would be. He just hoped that whomever Ross's subject is could handle whatever the side effects will be. Norman had created the serum where it should be able to change the subject's DNA without killing them. The way he has the serum now will make the transformation painful, but not deadly. Norman does not want to kill the enhanced, he just wants to cure his son of the mutation he gave him. Hopefully, when Norman has the final batch of the serum made, it will be a painless process to take away mutations and enhancements.

-Ross's Office-

Ross was monologuing in his head as he walked into his office. He stored the serum in the refrigerated glass case in the corner of his office. He was extremely excited to test out this serum. He couldn't wait to take the spider and crush it's powers. Now all he had to do was come up with a plan to get Peter Parker away from Stark and the others. If he can get Peter Parker, he can fulfill all of his goals. He can test the anti-enhanced serum, make Stark pay by taking away his ward, and hold the boy over Norman's head. If he can get the boy, he can ensure Norman's cooperation and drive Stark mad. No one would see him coming.

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