Chapter 17: Ned's Search and Natasha's Find

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Harry came to awareness not even thirty minutes after Rhodes brought him up to the living room. He groggily sat up and noticed Ned and MJ watching him wake back up. He was significantly calmer now. He was still freaked out that HYDRA may have taken Peter, but he was more worried about finding him now. If he is going to find Peter, he must keep a level head. He was quick to notice that Tony was still passed out on the other couch and that Rhodes was sitting in a chair across from both of them. Rhodes gave him a stern, yet worried look. Ned and MJ looked at him apologetically. Harry knows that all three of them had been caught in the lab. He could tell that the three of them would be in some trouble after the stunt they just pulled. Rhodes quietly ordered them to follow him to one of the conference rooms. He did not want to have this conversation anywhere near a sleeping Tony. He knows that this conversation will definitely get loud.

The three teens sat solemnly beside each other at the conference room table as Rhodes took a seat across from them. Before Rhodes could even say anything more to them Ned began speaking.

"I know that what we did was wrong, but I do not regret it. We wanted to know about everything. We want to help. Peter's our friend. He's like a brother to Harry and I. We need to find him. All three of us want to help find him. We could not do that without knowing the details. I was reluctant to break into the lab at first, but I really wanted to know what was going on. MJ agreed and actually convinced me to go through with hacking F.R.I.D.A.Y.." Ned continued on as Harry and MJ agreed.

Rhodes sighed and said "Fine. I'm still not happy with you three, but I do understand why you did it. I cannot just let you join the search though. It's too dangerous, and it involves searching for and taking down HYDRA bases. The team is working on tracking down new bases right now.I will keep you updated on the situation, but I cannot put you guys in the line of fire."

Harry rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, we do not really care about that. We are in danger just by being connected to Tony. If it were that dangerous to be a part of these missions, Peter and I would never be allowed to live in this tower. I get that the missions involving HYDRA are highly dangerous, but we are all in danger anyway just by knowing that Peter is Spider-Man. Not to mention, everyone knows who HYDRA is anyway. We want to find our friend. You cannot stop us from doing our own investigation. Ned is a master hacker, and we have the ability to search for Peter with or without your help. You either have to let us help you in the search, or we will do it on our own. If we do it on our own, we will be in more danger than if we do it with you and the Avengers. So, if you want to keep us safe while we look for Peter, you have to let us help you."

Rhodes sighed and reluctantly agreed to let the teens assist in the search for Peter. He knows that when he brings the teens in the same room as the Avengers, the Avengers will not be so happy, but they will just have to deal with it. There's no arguing with stubborn teens who just want to find their friend. Plus, it does not help that those teens are also geniuses in their own fields. Rhodes also believes that if anyone can find HYDRA bases where Natasha cannot, it will be Ned. Rhodes quickly escorted them to the Avenger's location. He quietly questioned F.R.I.D.A.Y. about Tony's state. She was quick to respond that Tony was still sleeping peacefully with no signs of a nightmare.

Rhodes walked in first and addressed the team "Hey guys, these are some of Peter's friends. I think that you already know who Harry is, but these other two are Edward Leeds and Michelle Jones. Also known as Ned and MJ. They have convinced me to let them help us search for Peter."

Natasha grimaced and rolled her eyes while the others questioned how they convinced Rhodes to let them do that.

"Okay, I know that this could put them in more danger, but they thoroughly convinced me to let them help. This way, I will also know that they are safer because they will be working with us instead of doing their own investigation. It also helps that Ned is a hacking genius. His expertise could help us. No offense Natasha, but your hacking skills are not up to date. This kid will be useful in tracking down any HYDRA bases. I brought Harry and MJ along as well because they also wanted to help. They can help us figure out where there's been more suspicious activity or things like that. I know that it is not right because they are teenagers, but they are brilliant and they need to find Peter just as much, if not more, as we do." Rhodes lectured.

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