Chapter 22: Ross's Enhancement

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The Avengers continued to interrogate Ross.

Ross began again with "You know, I really thought that the Avengers would be smarter than this. They get betrayed by their own teammate and cannot even track down a kid without the help of extraterrestrials. You sicken me, but I'm not going down without a fight either, so in order to get rid of you now, I will become one of you temporarily."

Before anyone could stop him, Ross took a filled syringe out of his pocket and plunged it into his own arm. Ross Quickly began to writhe in pain. His skin was fluctuating between the colors green and red. Ross screamed in agony.

The team could only watch as Ross's body morphed into something different. Ross's eyes were changing to a yellowish hue and fluctuating between red irises and his normal irises. The sclera fluctuated between white and yellow, while his eyes became bloodshot.

Ross's body began to grow in size. The colors were still fluctuating. Ross was screaming in agony. Ross began saying no over and over as his body continued to change. His body stopped growing in size when it reached about eight foot tall. His hair began to change to a dark orange-red hue. Almost black in color while he continued to say no over and over.

Ross's eyes finished fluctuating and settled on yellow with red irises. His body was still fluctuating between red and green. Ross's cries were dying down and getting quieter. Ross's skin tone set on red and did not change again. Ross's cries ended and the Avengers looked on at him. He was massive. It was as if he were the red version of the Hulk. The team heard an animalistic groan come out of the beast's mouth.

The beast faced them and the Avengers took defensive stances.

They heard a deep and gravelly voice begin to speak. It was the Red Hulk speaking to them.

"Ross is gone now. It is only I that exists. He tried to end me, but I fought back. When he injected himself with that serum, it brought me back forever. Ross is no more. It is only me, the Red Hulk now."

The team listened to the Red Hulk speaking.

"How can we tell that you are not lying?" Steve questioned.

"If I were lying, you would all be dead on the floor right now." Red Hulk answered.

"Fair point. Fair point." Steve said.

"Are you with us, or against us, Red Hulk?" Tony questioned?

"Well. I do not know much about you other than Ross hated all of you. I have only existed for the past year or so. I was created in a lab accident that Ross had. If Ross hated you, then that must mean you are the good guys. Therefore, I am with you. I am with anything that goes directly against what Ross wanted. I spent enough time in the back of his mind exploring his demonic plans and intentions. He wanted to get rid of all enhanced persons and would have succeeded had the boy and Osborn not escaped. Ross's foolishness caused his end and my beginning. I will join you in your search for the boy. I want to make right what Ross has torn apart." Red Hulk lamented.

"Fine, friend Red Hulk, I deem you worthy of the team. I can tell that your motives are true. Ross truly is no more." Thor declared as if he were the head of the team.

"It's not like you could control what Ross did anyway. He actually tried to destroy you." Clint said.

"Guys, we need to move out. Peter is no longer here, and I need to find him before Norman can take him away for good. Norman is freakishly obsessed with him, and it terrifies me. I need to find my kid now. I'll call Pepper in to handle the press and call in S.H.I.E.L.D. to clean this up. Maria can make sure that all of the serum samples are collected and that all evidence of Peter being here is collected. Ross may be gone now, but my kid is still missing, and these serums need to be stored until they can be safely destroyed." Tony said.

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