Chapter 25: Peter's Home

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All Peter could feel was white hot pain. His body convulsed as electricity pulsed through it. One second he was safe on the jet, and the next second he was convulsing in pain on the floor. Peter could hear Clint panicking in the background. The next thing he knew was darkness as he passed out from the pain.

Clint was working on re-starting Peter's heart. The Red Hulk stood by and kept an eye on Norman's unconscious body because he could do nothing to help Peter right then. Steve went to the med-kit to get the defibrillator. Steve found it, and Clint hooked it up, but it was not working on Peter. Clint was still performing CPR. Thor told everyone to stand back. He used small bursts of his lightning to get Peter's heart started. Thor's lightning luckily worked where the defibrillator failed. Peter's heart beat once again.

A relieved sigh came from everyone as they were able to stabilize Peter. Steve gave the remote control for the collar to Tony. Tony quickly disabled the collar and took it off of Peter. The now exposed skin was very inflamed and burned. Peter would be getting the best medical care once they get back to the tower, but until then they have to settle for the emergency medical supplies on board the jet.

Rhodes was currently piloting the jet while Clint worked on helping Peter. Rhodes was an expert at flying. He kept his comm link in so as to hear what was going on as he got them in the air again. He let out a relieved sigh when he heard them declare that they got Peter stabilized. Rhodes put the craft on autopilot once it was in the air and he made the call to the tower.

Rhodes alerted Helen Cho and Stephen Strange to have the Med-bay ready when they got there. Rhodes then called Maria and enlightened her to the situation. He called Pepper last and updates her. Pepper cried in relief that they finally found Peter. She actually hung up on Rhodes. Rhodes could only assume that she immediately rushed to tell the three anxious teens that they had found Peter.

Peter was still passed out when Norman began to wake back up. Red Hulk growled at him. Red Hulk and what's left of the team may not know Peter very well, but they truly care about him, and this psychopath hurt Peter. Norman tugged lightly on his restraints and began taunting the team.

"You think these bonds will hold me. I killed my son to keep him safe, and you think I cannot get out of these cuffs and kill you right now Iron Man? Think again." Norman stated as he snapped the cuffs off.

Red Hulk went to stop Norman, but before he could stop Norman, Norman pulled out a gun that he had hidden on his person. Steve had forgotten to check for other weapons on Norman's person when he was restraining him. Before Norman could fire at anyone, Tony shoots a repulsor blast at him. It was a kill shot. A large patch of bloody and burned skin now showed on Norman's chest. With Tony's killing blow, the Green Goblin was no more.

The team soon arrived back at Stark tower. It's getting close to mid-morning now. They landed swiftly and Helen's medical team rushed to them. They put Peter on a gurney and rolled him to the Med-bay as quickly as possible. Tony did not hesitate to follow behind. He used the nano-tech suit anyway, so it just got reabsorbed into its casing. Rhodes handled the disposal of Norman's body while the others went their own ways to relax a little bit. Red Hulk stayed by the jet, not wanting to impose on Tony's hospitality.

Rhodes and Pepper met and formed plans soon after to handle the media coverage of the rescue. It's still quite early in the morning, but Pepper found time to schedule an emergency press conference this afternoon. No one in the tower had gotten much sleep last night. Pretty much everyone, including the Avengers, was exhausted. The teens had already gone down to the med-bay once Rhodes had finished handling the situation.

Rhodes traveled down to the med-bay where Tony and the teens were. Pepper stayed in her office to handle organizing the details of what all could and would be released to the public. The rest of the Avengers were passed out in their barely used rooms. Rhodes requested that F.R.I.D.A.Y. keep them all, including Red Hulk, updated on Peter's condition.

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