Chapter 14: Peter's Thoughts

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Peter had been in pain before, but this was utter agony. His ears were bleeding. The lights had just shut off, and the noise quieted to a normal level, but he was still in pain. He had just been tortured. The serums that Norman tested on him hurt so much, but it was nothing compared to what Ross had just put him through. Sensory overload is really bad.

Peter curled up on the cot in his cell as he felt the collar around his neck reactivate and give him a shock for good measure. He wished that he could have ripped that thing off while it was inactive, but if he even tried it could still shock him. Even if the power-dampening part was shut-off, the shock collar part still worked. Peter felt his powers going away again.

It was an endless round of torture between the constant experiments in Norman's lab and Ross's taunts. It was only a matter of time before Ross and his squad came back again. He wished that he had something that could get the dreaded collar off. Between the collar and the restraints he was put in every day, he was too weak to even attempt an escape. He really did not like Norman before, but this was just so much worse than before. At least when Norman had kidnapped him, he was not used as a science experiment.

Peter knows that Norman is being forced to work with Ross, but he still does not like that Norman does what Ross tells him to. Peter knows that Ross will torture him again if Norman fails to do what Ross tells him to. He would take all the pain though, if it meant that Norman would stop producing these dangerous serums. None of the serums have worked on him so far, but he did overhear that at least one of the serums worked on Captain America's blood.

Their enhancements are different though. Cap's enhancement was due to a serum, while Peter's was due to a spider bite. Many enhancements occur for different reasons. Peter knows that the serum Ross asks for will never be possible. A serum like that can never exist because every enhanced person is different. An anti-enhanced serum that will work on every enhanced person is not possible. He knows that Norman should know this, so he has no clue why Norman has not told this to Ross. Perhaps it is because he does not want Ross to torture him anymore than he already is.

Peter just hopes that if Norman does make a serum that works on him, that Ross won't get the opportunity to use it on anyone else. It would not work on anyone else, but it would bring them so much pain. The experiments hurt so much.

The next day, Peter heard Ross and his squad come stand outside his cell. They once again drug him out of his cell and restrained him to that medical table in Norman's cell/lab. Peter teared up. He was still hurting from yesterday's experiments and torture. His ears had stopped bleeding, but they were not healed because his powers had been drained once the collar was reactivated. Ross saw the tears in his eyes and smirked, but did not say anything.

The collar was shut off again and Peter felt his powers rush back to him again. He was in too much pain to even try to struggle against the Vibranium bonds. Norman came up to him with another syringe and Peter closed his eyes and waited for the needle to enter his arm. He was never ready for the pain that comes with those needles and flows through his veins.

Norman hated seeing his son in so much pain, but if he did not do this, Ross would torture his kid so much more than he already has. Norman saw Peter close his eyes as he injected the newest serum. Norman had finished remaking the rest of the Gamma serum and Ross had confiscated it as soon as it was complete. This anti-enhanced serum would hopefully work. He hated testing it on his kid so often. It hurt to see his child in so much pain.

If he had never created those serums in the first place, neither of them would be in this mess. Norman regretted ever creating the Goblin serum. As Norman thought about the serums he has made, he began to form a plan. He has to get himself and Peter out of here. Norman watched as Peter writhed on the medical table.

Peter strained against the bonds heavily, and let out a yell. Norman extracted a blood sample and tested it. Peter's blood had changed some, but not completely. The serum partially worked. It did not get rid of Peter's powers, but it did weaken them. Perhaps he could strengthen the serum and temporarily take away Peter's powers to trick Ross. Perhaps, he could get Peter out of here, but only if he can form a plan to get them both out of there.

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