Chapter 10: A (Not Really His) Father's Fury

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The lights came on early and Norman got up off of his meager bed that was more like a cot. He stretched and went to the front of his lab/cell. He was curious as to who the new prisoner across from him would be. The person in that cell had not stirred yet. Suddenly, the figure jerked in their sleep and shot up. Norman's eyes widened when he realized exactly who it was in the cell across from him. It was his son, Peter Parker. Norman grew very angry at this and began shouting insults at Ross even though he knew that Ross could care less what he had to say.

Peter noticed Norman in the cell across from him and his eyes widened. Peter looked around at his surroundings, but he knows exactly where he is. He is in the Raft. Why, he does not know though. Peter noticed the shock collar around his neck, but did not touch it. He did not have any tools to get out of it this time. His powers were restrained because of this collar. Peter stayed silent and waited for someone to show up. He knew that Norman was screaming something, but he could not tell what. He hated that he could not feel his spidey sense.

Ross came walking up in between the two cells. He smirked at both Peter and Norman. He told Peter that he would get to him later and shocked Peter for good measure. Peter yelped at the unexpected shock. Ross stood outside of Norman's cell/lab and waited until Norman quit yelling. Norman yelled for quite a while, but he eventually stopped and started questioning Ross. Ross shut Norman up by holding up the remote to Peter's shock collar.

"One more word, and he feels the consequences, Osborn." Ross said maniacally.

Norman quit talking and glared at Ross.

"Now, if you are ready to speak in a civilized manner, I will explain why I brought the boy here. You probably already know a little bit why he is here, but there is much more to this than you could have ever expected."

Norman continued to glare at Ross as he exposed his plan.

"Now, to get on with my plan. There are still no cameras or audio here by the way so thanks for that amusing hissy fit that only I and Peter were audience to. You will continue to make the anti-enhanced serum or else, Peter here, will face the consequences. Once I found out that he was Spider-Man, I discovered that I could meet all of my goals just by capturing one insignificant boy. With him here, I can control you much easier, and it motivates you to create a working serum that is non-lethal and painless to the enhanced persons. HE will be the test subject.

With him here, I am also getting my revenge on Stark. I wanted the Sokovia accords to happen, but that egotistical narcissist agreed that there needed to be some restrictions, but insisted that they were wrong when it came to regulating enhanced beings. The only benefit of that whole Sokovia incident is that the Scarlet Witch and her brother were killed. They were evil and showed us what these enhanced persons are capable of. Of course, the whole world would listen to Iron Man instead of government officials who actually know what they are doing. Stark got the accords torn up before they could even be considered as a good thing. He told the public that they would be too restrictive on superheroes.

The public believed him, and they failed to see that these enhanced persons are trying to run our lives. Stark had made me look like a fool, and as the Secretary of States I will not stand for looking like a fool in front of those that I am supposed to protect. If I can get rid of these monsters, the world will be safer. I've taken the boy from Stark, and this will make him suffer. With the boy here, you are compliant, and Stark is suffering. I also needed the boy as Spider-Man because he is currently the most popular 'hero'. I can use him to show the people that these 'heroes' are actually not needed. Spider-Man disappears and things will stay the same. People will realize that they do not actually need monsters like enhanced persons around. With this boy here, I will complete all of my goals."

Ross finished his rant which could be heard by both Peter and Norman.

"You're insane! We are not monsters! We're just doing what is right by helping the people!" Peter shouted angrily.

Ross shocked Peter again and Peter yelped.

"Shut your mouth boy! You only speak when I tell you to!" Ross spitefully said.

Peter and Norman were both glaring at Ross at this point.

Ross told Norman to continue his work and that experiments start tomorrow. Ross left and Norman continued to fume. He was furious. He did everything so far to protect Peter, yet Ross does this anyway to fulfill his other plans, and now Ross has direct leverage over him. He would be stuck working for Ross until Peter was safe again. It would be a long night. Who are they kidding? It would be a long captivity!

Author Notes:

My apologies for the changes in tense. I believe my writing to be slightly better with the change in tenses, and I apologize for any usage of inaccurate tenses previously or in the future. Thank you for reading.

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