Chapter 18

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Briley pulled up into one of the flashiest hotels on the avenue, and we decided on who should go in to ask for a room.
"Sammy I think it should be you" she said.
"What why?" He asked.
"Because I have blue hair and Nate has tattoos, we're easy to recognize."
"And what about Katie?"
"I went last time" I defended. He rolled his eyes and got out of the car, but before continuing to the lobby, he rested his arms on the open window and asked if he should get two rooms. Briley agreed, but Nate stopped him.
"Get two singles" he said with a wink, handing him a 20, "and make one a suite". Sammy smirked and waked off, but I kept my eyes on him waiting for him to be out of earshot.
"Nate!" I yelled at him, hitting his arm once Sammy was gone.
"Ow! What?" He asked, laughing and throwing his hands up as if he were innocent.
"You didn't have to be so obvious about it! Now they know what we're gonna be doing! They'll probably be trying to listen now" I complained.
"It's not like they won't be doing it to" he laughed. I heard Briley let out a small laugh too.
"It's true" she said "as long as dumbfuck gets the hint".
"Now come on, let's go take a tour of the city" Nate said, stepping out of the car. I followed and soon we were walking down the night life of the streets, filled with color and bright lights. I placed my hand on his inner elbow and snaked my way down to his hand, interlocking his fingers with mine.
"Tell me about your tattoos" I said.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Like the flower one on your shoulder and arm"
"Okay well when I was young -very young-, my mom and dad split. I don't rally remember a time when they lived together. Except one. I was playing outside while my mom was in the garden; she had just bought some flowers that she really liked. She was almost finished planting them when my father came home. She greeted him with a hug and kiss on the cheek but he wasn't having it. I don't know what was wrong -well I do not but I was like 3 at the time. She kept saying she was sorry, but he kept yelling, and he threw her in the flowers, ripping them all up and calling her a dirty whore and things. He dragged her by her hair and into the house, and right in the living room he... Then left. I remember seeing her crying on the couch, curled up into a ball and I wanted to make her feel better so I went into the garden and found the only flower that was still in one piece, and sat it next to her. So over time the flower turned into a symbol of strength and renewal"
I was at a loss for words. There was a huge lump in my throat and no sound could escape it.
"Oh" found its way out of my mouth and immediately felt sorry for the seemingly lack of sympathy. After a long silence, I asked him about the one that said "blessed".
"She sued, and won a lot of money. She used it to continue her education and get a better job. I guess she was done being dependent- having to rely on a man to live 'properly'. She got her bachelors in business Accounting and got a rocking job making a shit ton of money. She always told us how blessed we were and I don't know who she was trying to convince more, her or us... But let's not worry about all of that stuff; let's find you something sexy for tonight" he said smacking my ass.

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