Chapter 22

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We pulled up to the nearest grocery store without waiting for Sammy. We decided that since he didn't want to wake up that we'd have him pack all of our stuff.
"You have the list?" Nate asked me.
"Sorta" I replied. I hadn't written it down but I knew what we needed. Ice packs, bread, peanut butter, canned foods, apples and water bottles.
We walked into the store receiving many unusual stares, and I was beginning to think people had recognized us but convinced myself it was Briley's hair that was attracting so much attention. As we entered, we wasted no time grabbing what we needed, except Nate constantly asking if we could buy things. Occasionally this girl would look at us with wide eyes, but I continually ignored it.
"Nate, you know we can't get those," you replied to Nate, holding up frozen pizza bites, "besides, where were you planning on cooking it?" He frowned as he turned to leave to put it back.
"He's so stubborn" you tell Briley as you both wait for him to return. The same girl has her eyes locked on Briley. She seemed a little nervous, and I felt as if she wanted to approach us. As I assumed, she walked toward us, trembling with each step. I nudged Briley, who looked in her direction then at me. I gave her a look that said "do you think she recognizes us?" And she simply shrugged and looked away.
"Umm... Hi... I'm- I'm Chelsea and I was wondering... if- if I could take a picture with you guys" she cleared her throat and finally made eye contact again. I looked at Briley in astonishment and back at the girl.
"Do you know who we are?" Briley asked her.
"Of course. You guys are the strongest girls I know. I heard about you guys on the news but I didn't think you did anything wrong, so I asked around and found out everything that happened. It's not fair that you have to run like this. You guys aren't bad people" tears were forming in my eyes and I had to look away. "Are you okay?" She asked me.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I said while wiping an escaped tear.
"We're on your side you know. Everyone. At school, on the internet, you guys are famous! I recognized Briley's blue hair, and that's how I knew it was you. Ate you guys staying much longer?" By this time Nate was back and curious about our current situation.
"No, we're just about to head out. Listen, you can't tell anyone we were here. We'll take the picture but you can't disclose our location. Promise?" She nods her head and pulls out her phone.
"Nate you can be in it to." She says. His eyes widened with confusion but he proceeded to take the picture.
"What the fuck was that all about?" He asks as she leaves.
"Long story, we'll tell you when Sam's with us." Briley said.

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