Turned into a vampire

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The last thing you remember was Rebekah was standing in the middle of Wickery Bridge, Matt lost control of the car and ended up in the bottom of the lake. Seeing Stefan saving Matt, than everything turned into darkness.

You felt yourself coming back to life and gasped you seemed scared of your surroundings since you had no idea where you were.

The first person you saw was Stefan sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands intertwined on his lap, just waiting for you to wait up. His head snapped to your direction when you woke up. "Hey. Shh, hey your fine." Stefan said calming you down. "Where am I?" You asked breathing hard. "You're at your house."

You can tell there was something bothering Stefan, you knitted your eyebrows in confusion. "Stefan what's wrong?" You asked laying your hand on top of his. Stefan looked down laying his other hand on top of yours rubbing the top of your hand with his thumb. "Y/N...w-what's the last thing you remember?" You looked at him weird but you started to think. What was the last thing you remembered? How did you really get back to your own house without remembering it.

You started to get flashes in your head. You were with Matt in the car.... than it hit you, you were in an accident. "Omg, Matt! Is he-" "Matt is fine." Damon answered who was sitting on the window seat with his hands on his lap, looking pissed and sad.

You looked at both brothers still confused. "Thank you saving him. And thank you for-" Damon cuts you off. "Saving You? He didn't." He looked at Stefan with venom behind is voice. You grew more confused, your head turned over to Stefan waiting for an answer.

"Meredith told us that your condition was much worse than expected." Stefan started. "Than when you drove off Wickey Bridge you had vampire blood in your system." Damon finished. You were at a lost of words, you couldn't believe this was happening to you.

The one thing you didn't want to happen was going to happen. "So.. that means... am I dead?" Both brothers looked guilty, they didn't say anything. You got your answer, your in transition. "No. No, no. I can't be a vampire."

Stefan scooted over to you holding your hand comforting you. "We'll find a way-" Damon scoffed. "You're delusional Stefan. We all know the rule. You feed or you die. There's no door number three." You felt your heart dropped to your stomach of the idea of coming a vampire. "Stefan I'm scared."

You tightly gripped Stefan's hand into yours not wanting to let go. "It's alright to be scared Y/N, I know this isn't what you wanted and you wanted to grow old and die..." You see Stefan with sad eyes. "But just know no matter what I'll always be here for you. I can help you control it, the eating, the bloodlust, everything." You felt somewhat relieved when you heard Stefan saying those words to you.

You leaned forward to give Stefan a kiss when the sun hit your face hurting your eyes. Stefan chuckled, he got up and closed the curtain.

He sat closer to you and gave you a passionate kiss on your lips. "Ew, now my day has been ruined." You hear Damon with a disgusted face.

You roll your eyes at his comment, Stefan brought you a blood bag.

You were first hesitated to drink it but you knew if you didn't you wouldn't be able to live anymore. You brought the bag to your mouth and drank a little bit, at first it tasted awful but after a few more it was heaven. Next thing you knew the bag was empty, you turned your head seeing your eyes bloodshot red and veins popping out under your eyes. You're a vampire now.

You faced Stefan, he had a wide smile across his face. "I love you Stefan." "I love you so much Y/N."

The end...

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