Wrong brother

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Y/N's POV .

We did great today, the gang defeated Klaus finally. He's no longer a problem for us, Klaus was someone we couldn't get rid of he was always there when we turned our heads, but not anymore. Stefan, Damon, and Tyler helped Bonnie stopped his heart making him desiccate in a coffin. Everyone went to the grill to celebrate the victory, Elena, Caroline, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler, Bonnie, Damon and Stefan.

I was super excited when Stefan came, I've always had a crush on Stefan Salvatore he's someone I've always seen myself with.

He's sweet, protective, handsome, generous, smart, and he's down to earth. But he still has feelings for Elena and I'm dating his brother Damon. Damon is hot, dangerous, bad boy, protective and he has a soft that he lets no one see, but I'm not in love with him he's hurt countless times.

I'm with Damon because I wanted to get over Stefan but it never worked cause Stefan is the one man I've always dreamt being with. "I can't believe we finally got rid of Klaus, he's no longer a problem to us." Tyler said, standing next to Caroline with his hands wrapped around her waist. "It's great not having to feel that someone is lurking our every move." Elena raises her glass and everyone followed her with the glass.

"Wait. Shh, listen." I said and everyone looked at me confused. "That's the sound of a Klaus free life." They all cheered, we clink our glasses and continued to have drinks. After being in the grill for about two hours, little by little everyone started to leave, except for Damon, Stefan and myself.

I had many drinks, and started to get drunk. "Babe, you're having too much to drink maybe you should cool it with the alcohol." I scoffed and gave him an attitude. "Wwwhat are yooou talking a-about. I-I-I'm fine." I said slurring my words.

Damon said something to Stefan's ear that I couldn't be able to hear. "I'll see you home babe, all this celebrating is making me tired." Damon kisses me on the check heading home, leaving me alone with Stefan.

He sat next to me making sure I didn't take anymore drinks, smelling him just turned me on. They way he speaks and how sexy he looks tonight makes me want to fuck his brains out. "Okay Y/N we gotta get you home." Stefan says as he stares into my eyes, I stare back. "Did I ever tell you how incredibly hot and sexy you look in that shirt?" He looks down his shirt and he chuckles turning red. "I don't know I never thought you saw that way." Stefan seemed shocked. "Oh please, I've had the longest crush on you, I think about almost every day. Especially sexually, I wonder what would it be like to have sex with you."

Stefan's face turned more red, he never realized I had a crush on him. "And how come I wasn't aware of this?" He asked, he had no idea I had a crush on him. "Because you we were always so wrapped about Elena, you never noticed me." Stefan sat closer to me to where I felt his hot breath on my shoulder. "I'm noticing you now." Stefan said in a low tone that was so sexy, it made me more wet, I slowly turn my head out faces were inches apart.

I looked deep into his eyes that turned dark, he closes the gap by kissing me. I immediately kiss back, I turn my body towards him grabbing the back of his head deeping the kiss. We pull away staring into each other's eyes comprehending what's going on. "We should take this somewhere more private." I said breathing slightly hard.

Stefan nods his head not breaking eye contact with me. "Yeah I think we should." Stefan replied back. I grabbed my coat from my chair, Stefan and I rushed out the grill ready to rip off our clothes. We didn't want to do it in Stefan's home because Damon was there so we went to my apartment because it's the closest from the grill. The moment I opened my door Stefan didn't hesitate to slam me against the wall attacking me with his mouth and tongue.

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