Bloody Mary - Part 2.

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You splashed water in your face, your mind going back to Cas. He was in America. In Kansas. In the house your step-mom died. Your memories washed over you.

'Doctor?' you said weakly. 'How's my son?'

'He doesn't remember anything,' she said apologetically, even though you had specifically asked for it. 

'What?' your heart ached, you wanted to cry so bad.

'Sometimes, the mind can't handle certain situations, I'm glad you took this step for your kid.'

'I had to . . . my kid saw me getting stabbed,' your voice cracked. The pain of losing your second child was still raw, your eyes rimming with salt water, the toll of all these hard day's being reflected back in your face.

'Yes,' the female doctor affirmed, 'but, I think even him seeing his father . . . that way . . . he had been very upset already, and witnessing his one good parent . . . Do that . . . I think it was pretty obvious what you had to do. Now, there is another choice you have to make here, Mrs. Case—'

'L/N,' you sharply cut her off, 'Ms. Y/N L/N,' you emphasised on each word, as if trying to imprint them into the neurons of her brain.

'Oh,' the doctor nodded in understanding. She didn't know the full story, she just knew I was a hunter for she treated hunters. She was a special on-call doctor around here, but she never looked too much into the personal details of her patient's lives - she was forbidden to. You had gotten yourself shifted into one of your Dad's old hunting cabins - he had those all over the world, somehow, and this one in France was serving your purpose well. This is where Mrs. Costa had come to help you heal.

'Ms. L/N, from further here, you can either give your kid up for adoption, let him start anew, for he has his whole life ahead of him, especially since you took his memories away. Or you can take him with you, probably to some far place from here. And lie to him about his father's death. We both know that it is risky to grow him into a life of hunting. I tell this to all my patients. It's your call.'

You sighed, shaking your head. Castiel's life was full of lies. But it was for the best right? He didn't need to remember that his father killed his younger sibling or that his mother was the monster that . . .

You got out of the bathroom, wanting to just forget your problems.

'What took you so long?' he asked grumpily. He hated researching just as passionately as you did.

'Biology,' you snarked.

'Right,' he rolled his eyes. 'You wanna help me or what?'

'Yeah, okay.' You plopped down on the chair opposite Dean, pulling a book towards you. Sam is on the bed, he fell asleep while reading, and you both let him because had barely gotten a shut-eye these past few days. Even with you transferring most of his tiredness last time, he was still exhausted.

You must have read one line, before you got bored and leaned back in your chair, deciding you need to do something else. Why not talk?

'Dean, we need to talk.'

'I'm listening,' Dean said, putting away his book. His eyes looked glazed, no doubt bored out of his mind from all the reading.

'What happened in the library today, you know I was just joking right?'

'Oh, that. Yeah, of course,' Dean nodded his head, though I could see in his eyes he didn't agree with you.

'What happened to me, made me this way,' you drawled on, trying to ease Dean out of this, 'you don't have to feel burdened by this. Are you sure you're okay with it?'

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