Nightmare - Part 1.

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It's a relief to finally be with someone you have always loved. It's a relief to break past all the barriers and guards you've grown around yourself and just set your love free. It's a relief to finally express what you've been suppressing for year and years. It's a relief to finally show everyone how much you love Dean Winchester. Especially to the man himself. And, oh, a relief it was to know that he shared the same feelings. To know that he liked you in that way too. To just know. What a relief it was to be able to kiss him whenever you please, to cuddle with him whenever you wanted to. To openly flirt with him, to have meaningful conversations with him without feeling like a pussy. To be accepted and to accept.

It felt so right. It felt like the perfect thing in the world, and all your problems seemed so minuscule when you were this happy. This elated, on the cloud nine.

Not to mention, this was the most human you had felt in the past couple of years. This was the most in touch you had been with your humanity, in what seemed like a forever.

You were starting to inculcate your human habits back again, and no matter how odd or suspicious that was – you couldn't find it in yourself to care right now. All you could do was be happy. All you could do was be in love. And, for now, nothing else really mattered to you. For now, this was all you needed.

And eventhough - over the last few days, Dean and you had explicitly decided to take it slow because the both of you were new to this kind of a relationship. Dean had never had one, and you never had one where you returned those damn feelings . . . So this was good, this was perfect.

Yes, it was new and it was scary, so no matter how intense you two's feelings were, you both had agreed that neither of you wanted to jinx this nor make the other one feel uncomfortable. And slow seemed to work just fine for the two of you.

You were experiencing all the firsts you had never thought you would have had ever again. And in Dean's case, he didn't think he'd ever have them. So, you two were letting this unravel itself, not controlling anything and just going with the flow – which was really awesome.

But that was also a reason why you both weren't still sharing the same bed right now. You were wrapped up like a burrito in a blanket on the bed in your room, while Sam and Dean had taken shelter in another room not too far from yours.

Due to your nightmares, you often woke up screaming and ruining the sleep of the boys as well. Which was why, after the first few days, you put yourself into a separate bedroom – much to Dean's protestations.

He said it didn't trouble him at all. But the bags under his eyes from nights trying to calm you down and putting you back to sleep; the longing look you saw Sam giving to either a bed, a cup of coffee, or noise cancellation headphones in one of the electronic shops - had you thinking otherwise. 

A small sliver of moonlight beamed in through the slight parting in the curtains, shining softly and bringing a sense of peace and calm into the room. The soft blankets and the surprisingly nice mattress for everything-else-is-shitty-at-this-motel-room had lulled you into a deep slumber.

If only the outside tranquillity affected your inner turmoil too . . .

'Hello, darling,' chuckled the demonic voice, entering your chambers. Even in pain, you could clearly detect a British accent. 'I'm Crowley, a very fine replacement for Alastair while he goes and licks Lilth's feet like a good little puppy. How's our Heldshah Calamson this fine morning?'

'Awesome,' you rasped, grinning a creepy smile where a couple of your teeth were missing. You hung off a post, your hands tightly roped to them. Your feet hanging a few feet in the air, making your limbs ache terribly from hanging here for hours. Your body was bloody with multiple cuts and wounds, some of them burns. And you could see more bruises than you could skin. Yet, you were unwilling to let them see how much this actually hurt. 

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