Skin - Part 1.

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Ever since the Bloody Mary case, Dean had been acting weird. You weren't sure if he hated you or not, he just never brought anything up. He was sort of distant, with fewer jokes, even less flirting. He hadn't touched your bag since you left Ohio, as if he was giving you privacy which was weird on a completely another level.

He would talk to you only when required and you kept wondering when he would just burst out and order you to leave them. Dean had a habit of giving people the silent treatment. It was usually when he was upset or angry or both.

And it hurt you to think that Dean was upset or mad at you.

That was the reason that you kept things to yourself. But the asshole just had to bring up the best friend rule to make you spill the beans. And now he was mad at you. That majorly sucked.

As a result, you busied yourself with some serious stalking. You had scoured all the social media accounts that Maggie and Dory had. Castiel was still a little too young to have his own phone, so everything that had to be seen of him would be through his new moms' accounts.

You noted that they had shifted about a month ago. You guessed that they must be trying to look for your number, considering you changed it two years ago. You had a vague guess about how they got it.

Dory was an ex-hunter, so you guessed she kept her old contacts with her. But you didn't know she had those. Because if she did, then that could mean that Castiel could be in more danger than ever. What if she was being reckless? What if you gave up your son just to put him in more danger?

There was something about their anmousity and stupid reasons they were giving you to make them meet you that bugged you. And you were going to research well into it before you made any decision.

You felt the Impala coming to a stop. You glanced up from the screen for a second to take note of your surroundings. Dean had parked at a Gas N' Sip, but you doubted you were anywhere near your destination. 

'All right,' Dean sighed, 'I figure we hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south then Bisbee by midnight.'

None of you responded to the older Winchester. Your attention was back to the technology in your hands, and your fingers flew over the laptop as you tried to hack the files of a hospital in France. You wanted to check their files about your son, but you had been at this for three days now, without any luck.

'Sam wears women's underwear,' Dean announced.

'I've been listening,' Sam immediately answered, 'I'm just busy.'

'Busy doing what?' Dean asked, opening his door and working his way around the car.

'Reading e-mails,' he curtly replied.

'E-mails from who?' Dean had to raise his voice so that it traveled through the open windows.

'Dammit!' you whisper-yelled at your screen when it showed you that the results for your search were negative. If this kept going on, it could be months before you finally hacked into their files. It was annoying.

'From my friends at Stanford,' Sam yelled back.

'You're kidding,' Dean scoffed, coming to the side where you were sitting in the backseat, right behind Sam. Your window was open, letting in soft breezes of the warm wind. You slammed your laptop shut before Dean could get a look at what you were doing. He didn't notice it, busy talking to his brother, 'You still keep in touch with your college buddies?'

'Why not?' Sam asked.

He started filling Baby with fuel. 'Well, what exactly do you tell them? You know? About what you've been doing?'

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