The Journey Home - Part 1.

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Author's Note.

These are gonna be some long ass three chapters. And so many feels - Ahhhh!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your slow death. Please click on the star down below if you like it, comment just for the hell of it and drop a follow for more updates! See you all in hell bitches ;)

Your Author.


Things had been relatively calmer since the last case. Surprisingly you had been sleeping for the past few weeks. The insects had left you shit tired and you'd get at least a couple of hours every night.

It was nice, to feel like a normal human again. Sleeping without being blacked out or being so tired that you couldn't even stand straight. It was something you had never thought you'd get again.

Sadly, it wasn't gonna last long. At the start, you had dreamless nights, but now your nightmares were coming back, the ones that have been keeping you up for years now. You did not doubt that in another week or two, you'd be back to your insomnia routine which didn't excite you at all. You were gonna be grumpy and annoyed at everything, again.

You stared at the screen of your laptop. The battery was draining from it slowly but you were too lazy to plug it in, your bag was across the room and there was no way you would be getting up to just charge your laptop.

You glanced at your boys, both of them were lazily sitting on their beds and you doubted they'd get your charger for you. But you had to try, right?


'Hmm?' he hummed not taking his eyes off of Sammy's laptop and you wondered if he was watching porn. But the concentration and seriousness instead of the usually amused smile he had on his face made you think otherwise. He was so focused, his brows furrowed adorably, his tongue sticking out as his eyes skimmed something on the screen.

'Can you get my laptop charger from my bag?' you asked him.

He glanced at you, your legs crossed, as you lay back on the pillows, lounging your body across the couch, the laptop on your stomach, your eyes glazed due to boredom, and your hair fanning around your head. You looked like a homeless person. On any other day, he would have thought this was cute. But right now, he couldn't help but imagine you with those golden-purple eyes on you.

He forced a small smile, 'No.' He went back to browsing and you wanted to throw a pillow at his head. Instead, you turned to Sam. Before you could even open your mouth, Sam had his reply ready, 'Get it yourself.'

The younger brother was reading what looked like a boring lore book to you. But Sam was engrossed within the pages, learning new things about some of the monsters that lived in the forests of Russia and their different types. He didn't even bother to look up, his brown hair falling in his eyes as he kept staring down. His lanky six-four figure looking too huge for the bed.

You pouted on being refused by both of them. Sighing, you sat up, just as you got an email from Bobby. You clicked on it.

New Lead.

From: Robert Singer

To me,

Decipher it. I'm going for a case. Be back by the end of the week. Send me the inscriptions and I can send you the rest of the details.

Below it was attached pages of ancient Italian and Latin. A big smile curled on your lips. This was a new lead on Namie. And Bobby had sent you this because Italian fell under your part of the languages. Ever since you were young, you had displayed immense interest in languages. So, Bobby had distributed all the languages out there that could be used in your line of work, between himself and you.

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