Salvation - Part 3.

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The rain came and went, but that pattering on the roof was the only sound that you heard for miles. In the drops of water that chased one another down the windows, you saw faces of the people you were going to save, and the people you left behind.

Your mind was a courtroom where the judge was biased towards all your internal demons. The only defence you had was that you couldn't - wouldn't - break someone's trust - that just wasn't an option for you. Dean had efficiently backed you into a corner by trusting you.

When he'd been paranoid in saying that he didn't trust you, then, at least you could play into it. You wouldn't be afraid of breaking his trust then, because there wasn't any. But now . . .

Hours ago, his voice had rippled in your mind: Later, it had said. It didn't make any sense - but you were mulling it over and over in your head.

Then, B/F's voice came up to argue, her wise words backing Dean up. And her common sense annouced that you'd been unjust - sometimes you felt that she was born from the womb negotiating - the annoying diplomat that she is. Her imaginary image told you that you and Dean had been fighting for the same intents - which was selfish of the both of you . . . Until Dean stopped being selfish and let you go.

Dean made you stronger by fighting for what you needed - he gave up the last barrier he had with you: he trusted you, and he surrended to you. But you'd epically failed in doing the same for him.

He deserves better.

Can't I be better?

Only time might tell.

John pulled up near the assigned location. You were early - clearly it meant John had bluffed before to Meg, on the phone.

'Let's go.'

'John, wait,' you said, hesitating. 'What you said earlier . . . Do you really still think of me as a daughter?'

John froze ever so mildly. 'You have to understand - I was looking out for you, too.'

But you didn't understand. You couldn't - unless . . .

'How come I never saw it?' you gave him the chance.

'I didn't want you to. Your sister said it wasn't the time for you. And I was scared for my sons. Had you stayed with Dean, you both would have found the truth out . . . Dean wasn't strong then, he could've died . . . For you.'

'Yeah, but why lie to me?'

'Would you have left if I didn't?'

Point John, you thought.

'I thought . . . you would be in good hands. For what it's worth, I am sorry that I can't do anything for you.'

Worth nothing to me, you roared internally. That was before you noted the present tense - his alliances lied with his sons still. You guess you had that in common with him - your love for the boys. So, you mentioned only that.

'I can appreciate what you did for your boys. They're alive because of you, and they mean a lot to me.'

John saw your bypass to his apology. He nodded in acceptance for whatever you did say. His feet moved him out of the car as a conversation-stopper.

You took a deep breath as your feet touched solid ground. The fragrance of the wet mud tickled your nose. Then, you followed a briskly paced John to your decided location, scoping it out.

Steam hissed, capturing both your attentions. You both explored the abandoned factory to your heart's contents. Always gotta be a damn factory.

Travelling through the maze of new corridors, you reached a ladder that might lead you to a water tank above . . .

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