Bugs - Part 3.

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Within the next half an hour, Dean was pulling up the car in front of their house. 'Damn it,' Dean cursed when he was the lights in the house still on, 'They're still here. Come on.'

You three get out, and Larry comes out of his house, looking pissed off, his helpless son following him. 'Get off my property before I call the cops.'

'Mr. Pike,' Sam calmly said. 'Listen-'

'Dad, they're just trying to help,' Matt interrupted.

'Get in the house,' commanded the father.

'Sorry,' apologized the son, looking at Sam. 'I told him the truth.'

'We had a plan Matt,' you reminded the kid.

'What happened to the plan?' Dean asked, just as annoyed as you.

'Look,' Sam said firmly, 'It's twelve a.m. They are coming any minute now. You need to get your family and go. Before it's too late.'

'You mean, before the Biblical swarm?'

'Larry, what do you really think happened to the realtor, huh?' Dean questioned the man. 'And the gas-company guy. You don't think something weird is going on around here?'

'Look, I don't know who you are, but you're crazy. You come near my boy or my family again, we're gonna have a problem.'

'You know what?' you said, 'I hate to be a downer, but we got a problem right now.'

'Dad, they're right. Okay? We're in danger.'

'Matt, get inside!'



'Why won't you listen to me!?'

'Because this is crazy! It doesn't make any sense!'

'Look,' Sam raised his voice. 'This land is cursed. People have died here. Are you really gonna take that risk with your family?!'

Your heart stopped when you heard the rumbling buzz, undoubtedly of hundreds upon hundreds of insects. 'Boys?' you asked, your voice disclosing more fear than you'd like it to, 'you hear it?'

The buzzing started to intensify as everyone in your small group fell silent. Fear spiked in you, and the light started zapping for no reason at all. 'What the hell?' Larry muttered. The light bugs buzzed loudly, the light flickering when more than one hovered around the bulb.

'Alright,' Dean said, calmly. 'It's time to go. Larry, get your wife.'

'Yeah,' he consented, all the argument gone.

'Guys?' Matt said, looking at the sky. You turned around, and it was like you were in Hell all over again. Every inch of sky, as far as you could see, was now covered in bugs that were flying over to kill Larry's family and would no doubt be killing you too. You whimpered, you weren't ready for this. You had thought you'd be out of here before the bugs reached you.

'S-Sam?' your voice stuttered, your face ashen. 'De-Dean?'

'Oh, my God,' Larry exclaimed.

'We'll never make it,' Sam pointed out the obvious. Tears sprung to your eyes, and you fought with yourself to not let them fall beyond the barrier of your eyelids. Your knees felt like they were made of jell-o. The suffocating feeling of insects crawling all over you and entering your ears, mouth and nose, enveloped you. You stood frozen, acutely remembering how it felt as those small creatures chewed in on your insides. How it felt as they devoured your skin, organs and blood, slowly, torturing you for days before you could finally die.

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