Bugs - Part 1.

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You know that awkward moment in life when a stranger waves at you and you wave back but then you realize that the person was waving to someone behind you?

Yeah, that happened to you. Except, in place of waving, you kissed. And instead of a stranger, it was the man you loved, the Dean fucking Winchester himself. And the "someone behind you", is literally every other girl Dean would rather have over you.

The level of awkwardness was off the charts! After the case, you had been admitted to the hospital for a week as you and Dean had talked about. He tried to make it up to you, but you always ended up feeling suffocated and snapped at him. By the end of the week, he gave up, putting Sam on your duty instead.

You got so frustrated with the older brother that you blew up and told him off, ordering him to take off without you, telling him that you needed some space. You knew you had hurt him, but you couldn't help it. 

That was two weeks ago. You had decided to stay an extra week in that nauseating smell of the hospital until you fully recovered before you took a whole another week to yourself.

In that last week, you had spent most of your time tracking Sam and Dean, when you knew you could have simply called. But you were stalling going back to them. You had hurt them and you didn't know if they'd welcome you back.

You were miserable without the brothers. It was like when you had first left all over again. But you were determined to go back at some point. In that last week, you had kept reminding yourself of the original purpose of joining them back again.

It was John. The purpose was to help Dean reunite his family so that you could be on your own again. So that you could go back to your sorry, lonely, and pathetic life again. The purpose of this was to help Dean keep his family together so that he didn't end up like you. Kicking yourself mentally for being a coward, you finally dialed Sammy's phone.

He picked up on the third ring. 'Hey,' he sounded surprised. 'You called.'

'And that's surprising why?' you asked, putting the phone on speaker and placing it on the dashboard as you speed your stolen car towards Oasis Plains in Oklahoma which was where you had tracked Dean's phone to. You had made some calls to get his GPS on and then you were able to track him down.

'It's just . . . you know . . . you left,' he said as if it was obvious. Over the phone, you heard the Baby driving, so you guessed Dean was there too.

'I did say I would call,' you reminded him. 'Was I not speaking out loud then?'

'Oh, you were,' Sam assured. 'You screamed it on the top of your lungs after you forced Dean and I out of your room, throwing fruits and whatever you could grab, at us.'

'Eh,' you shrugged, forgetting he couldn't see you. 'You've faced worse. But then why is this call surprising?'

'Never mind,' he sighed. 'What's—'

'No,' you cut him off. 'Why was it surprising?'

You felt Sam's hesitation, but he did speak. 'The last time you said you would call, too, you know? And keep in touch?'

'Is your memory going bad? I did text you back the first time around!' you said, going defensive.

'A year later,' Sam retorted dryly. Your mouth formed an "o", you had forgotten that. Time was fluid, you forgot the dates and time unless it was really important to you. You barely could remember what had happened in the first three years when you had been away from the Winchesters. The last four years overshadowed everything else – the worst years of your life.

You cleared your throat, 'Right. Moving on. Are you on a case?'

'Yeah,' Sam replied, relieved when you didn't discuss it further. He wasn't comfortable bringing out the gory details of the past either. 'This one is about a guy who died by falling into a hole.'

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