Nightmare - Part 2.

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"Escanaba Motel" had accommodations for the three of you. Homey type cabins lined up with the reception centre on the other end of the gate. You three had been assigned a room, somewhere in the middle. There was limited furniture – three twin sized beds against one wall, nightstands in between them all. One small bathroom, a dining table that had been pushed by you three in the corner, and four chairs. And lastly, a kitchen carved into the wall, just next to the front door. There was no television, which led to a complaining and grumpy Dean.

Since he had nothing else to do while Sam went out and brought you three some food, he had opted to clean his guns. And this inevitably left you no choice but to do research.

It was boring as hell. But you put up with it, printing out papers of research you had already done in the car the day before and sticking it on the wall to get a better picture of the situation.

You kept glancing back at Dean. He was concentrated on his task, but a frown was marring his face, a crease over his eyebrow – a sign that something deeply disturbed him.

You knew what it was.

But do you really want to talk about it? No.

That didn't mean you couldn't cheer the man up. You had always loved cheering the man up.

You went back to your laptop you had left running on the table. Clacking on some keys you pulled up a song you kinda liked but didn't hear often. Then you put the volume on full, effectively grabbing Dean's attention.


'Hmm?' you grinned, walking towards him.

His hands faltered doing what he was, he raised an eyebrow. You didn't answer, just grabbing the guns out of his hand placing them on your bed which was between the boys'. You pulled him up – well, you just pulled, he did the rest of the work himself.

You started swaying to "She Will Be Loved" which had only been released the previous year and that made Dean's lips curve into a smirk. 'What are you doing?'

'Dancing our troubles away,' you shrugged, moving your body in random and stupid movements.

Dean laughed. 'You're adorable. Come on, let's get back to work.'

'No,' you whined, turning to pull him against you. You took his hand, trying to twirl him around. And you massively failed.

Dean laughed at your antics. 'Really?'

You pouted, 'Please?'

He rolled his eyes, complying, and turned around, making you squeal in excitement.

You both then danced around for a while, trying moves from ballroom dancing you both had never tried, and laughing hysterically when either one of you made a mistake. Finally, ending up in each other's arms, just gently swaying from side-to-side, your foreheads resting against each other.

The song had long since ended, but that didn't stop you both from just staying in the moment.

'Thanks,' Dean said.

You smirked, 'Anytime.' You leaned up and kissed him. It was supposed to be slow, but it turned fierce. The blond-haired man took you backwards till your knees hit the bed. You played with the hem of his shirt, lost in the moment, and in the man kissing you.

Dean deepened the kiss by pulling your head back by your hair, sweeping his tongue into you as he tipped your body onto the bed, resulting for you to break apart from him.

He smirked down at you, 'I think I was promised tops off.'

You laughed, rising to rid yourself of your oversized hoodie while Dean did the same with his flannel and undershirt – leaving you in a bra and him bare from waist-up.

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