Hook Man - Part 2.

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'So you believe her?' Dean asked, as the three of you walked down an aisle in the local library.

'I do,' Sam honestly said. Dean looked at you asking the same question, you shrugged agreeing with Sam.

'Yeah, I think she's hot too,' Dean said which made you roll your eyes. One moment you start to believe that he actually likes you and then, he goes and says stuff like that. There is no way he's getting her. By the end of the case, you'll tell him how you feel.

'No, man,' Sam argued, 'there's something in her eyes.'

'Yeah, I didn't intensely soul-search her through her eyes, but listen to this, she heard scratching on the roof too,' you told the older brother. Dean nodded his head as he stopped in front of a particular row, his eyes skimming the books placed in here. 'Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car.'

'Hang on,' Dean interrupted. 'Suspended body, that sounds like—'

'I know,' you cut him off. 'The Hook Man legend.'

'It's one of the most famous urban legends ever,' Dean retorted. 'You both don't think that we're dealing with the Hook Man?'

'Every urban legend has a source,' Sam replied. 'A place where it all began.'

'Yeah, but what about the phantom scratches, and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?'

'Maybe it isn't the Hook Man at all,' you theorized. 'What if it's some kind of spirit?'

The next thing you know, you were seated at one of the library tables, preparing for research as one of the people who worked here brought out the dusty boxes from the untouched parts of the library.

'Here you go,' she announced, placing a heavy box on the table. 'Arrest records going back to 1851.'

Dean blew over the second box that the lady places, just to see how much dust was there. You coughed, waving a hand in front of your face. 'Thanks,' you mumbled.

'Yeah,' she said, off-handedly as she hurried off to do some other work.

'So, this is how you spent your four good years of your life, huh?' Dean asked his younger brother.

'Welcome to higher education,' he responded. You pouted, resting your forehead on Dean's shoulder, who was sitting next to you, 'I hate you for making me do this.'

He chuckled, 'I hate Sam for that.'

Sammy rolled his eyes at the two of you as you three dove into the police reports to solve the case further.

You don't know how many hours passed, you don't know how many times you almost dozed off and you don't know how many times Dean tickled you to get you awake. But finally after discarding a lot of files you went through, Sam found something.

'Hey, check this out,' Sam called. '1862, a preacher named Jacob Carnes was arrested for murder. It says that he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed thirteen prostitutes. Uh, right here, "Some of the deceased found in their beds, sheets soaked with blood, others suspended upside down from trees as a warning against the sins of the flesh."'

Dean extracted a piece of article from the file Sam was reading and you leaned over his shoulder to see it and you knew your ghost theory was proven right.

'Get this,' Dean told Sam, 'the murder weapon? Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook.'

'Look where all this happened,' you pointed out.

'Nine-mile Road.'

'Same place where the frat boy was killed,' Sam reminded.

'Nice job, Dr. Venkman,' you praised the younger brother, 'let's check it out.'

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