Prologue - Devils, Hunters, Chaos

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"Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Shit!" A man with a suit was doing a full sprint as he was being chased by a small group of people. A bullet nearly hit him and grazed his face, but it healed almost immediately. 

'Should've never skipped leg day, Y/N' A voice in his head said

'Oh shut up, Alt' Y/N retorted.

"Kill that devil!" A guy in a uniform said, pointing his weapon at Y/N. 

'Think, think. What would Rubick do in this situation?' Y/N thought hard. An idea came to mind. 

Y/N entered a narrow alleyway. He turned around and stretched his hand outward. Flames spew out of his hand in a flamethrower-like fashion. 

The chasers were caught by the flames. They began to scream in pain, which greatly annoyed Y/N. He sighed in relief and began going somewhere safe. 

He entered another alleyway and sat down, resting "Phew, almost ran out of mana" He checked his watch, it's correcting itself by adjusting it's mechanical hands.

'Probably noon' Y/N then proceeds to frown 'Rubick, that ass-hat shit fucker...'

<--/// One Hour Earlier, Gensokyo, Bamboo Forest ///-->

"-Third advice. Always try to use low mana consuming spells unless absolutely necessary" A masked man said as he stepped on a downed Y/N's arm "Fourth. Always keep your eye on the enemy. How do you keep forgetting all of my advice?"

"Ow, I mean, you are a bit boring to listen to" Y/N grinned and grabbed Rubick's foot in an attempt to pry it off "Okay, seriously, you're breaking my arm bones" 

"Correction, Humerus, and don't worry, your bones will just regenerate like they always do" Rubick said, releasing Y/N's arm from his foot

"Doesn't mean I can't feel pain, dipshit" Y/N stood up and brushed off his suit from the dirt "Welp, looks like ya won the duel. What's the score again?" 

"Yours is 8, mine is 233"

"Huh, maybe you're cheating or something" 

"No. Since it's my win, I would like for you to do something for me" Rubick calmly closed in the distance to Y/N.

"Aight, watchu want?" Y/N asked.

"I want you to give me the head of a devil. The hero of hell, specifically" 

"Huh? Hero of what now?" 

"Hero of hell. I need it for my collection, the hero of hell is highly sought after, you see" Rubick bought out a small wand from his pocket and pointed it to Y/N "Don't worry, from what I've gathered, the place I will be sending you will be safe" 

"Can I have a say in this?" 



<--/// Somewhere in Japan ///-->

Y/N had closed his eyes as a bright flash, but when he opened them again he saw himself falling from the sky at high altitudes. Y/N then proceeded to yell at the top of his lungs. 



Luckily for him, he landed on a body of water. After swimming toward land, he grumbled as he shook his leg to get some water inside his shoes out. 

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