Chapter 1 - New Home, New Work

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"[Collapsing Star!]" Y/N chanted as his fist is engulfed in flames. He leaped and punched the leech monster in her face, resulting in a small explosion. Chainsaw guy was almost caught up in the blast.

"Oi! Watch it!" 

"No, you watch it!"

Their bickering stopped as the leech monster sent out waves of sharp tentacles towards them. They dodged and managed to not get hit, though it only grazed them a little. 

"You go left, I'll take the right!" 

Chainsaw guy nodded and they both split up. They both leaped towards the leech coordinatingly, but a tentacle acting as a whip swiped at them. 

Y/N reacted quickly and used his Blink Dagger to teleport out of the way, while Chainsaw Guy blocked the attack with his bare arms. Man, that'd hurt. 

Y/N opened fire on the leech monster's back, chunks of flesh and bones fly out as the leech monster retaliated by hitting Y/N in the face with her tentacles, sending Y/N away and crashing into a parked car. 

Chainsaw guy and leech monster exchanged blows, a powerful tentacle slap hit chainsaw guy and knocked him back. 

"Are you kidding me?! Bat was killed by these two pups?!" Leech monster began mocking them. 

"Yeah, right? I mean, could these two pups ever kill you?" Y/N said as he sat on top of the leech monster "Probably yes, effortlessly" 

"When did you-" 

"Details, details" Y/N pulled out his dagger, and sliced and diced the leech monster. Fortunately for the monster, the dagger was too small to inflict severe damage in a swing. 

 The leech monster tried her best to get Y/N off of her, but to no avail. Chainsaw guy stood back up and rejoined the fight, but punches didn't really do much to the monster. 

"Hey! Why can't you turn into a chainsaw?!" Y/N asked, dodging a tentacle. 

"I don't have enough blood!" 

"Yeah, I'm not gonna give ya mine" Y/N buried his hand on the leech monster. His hand exploded, dismembering the monster in half.

"Argh..." The leech monster tried to get away by crawling. 

"Well well, chainsaw guy, look's like you'll be the one buying food" Y/N aimed his gun at the monster, but before he could fire...


...a large fox head appeared out of nowhere and swallowed the monster whole. The fox grinned in delight. 

"It's a leech devil, is it okay to swallow?" The fox asked. 

"Fine" Responded the boy with a top knot. The fox then disappeared in a puff of smoke "Leech devil extermination confirmed" The guy with a top knot then orders the other three people that came with him, presumably his squadmates. 

"Well then, I'm outta here" Y/N proceeds to walk away. 

"Hey, hold it! You, Denji, and this fiend will be coming with us for questioning" Top knot guy said. 

"And if I don't?" 

"You will be killed like these devils" Top knot pointed at the corpses of the bat and leech devil. 

'I don't wanna get hunted by these guys through my time here' Y/N nodded "Alright, fine" 

Power muttered the name of her cat that was in the cage, Nyako. Top knot guy looked at the cat "Someone, take the cat to the veterinary hospital for a health check!" 

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