Chapter 14 - A Light in the Sea of Darkness

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"Power, for the love of- calm the fuck down!" Y/N regrew his arms and knocked her out by tapping her on the neck "You, male version Medusa" 

Kukasabe, the only one that's currently conscious, looked at Y/N who was loading his Revolver. 

"Watch Power out for me, if she dies, I'd have to endure Denji's bitch ass cries. Got it?" Y/N asked, Kukasabe nodded. 

"H-Hey, I don't think it's legal to fire a gun without per-"

Before Kukasabe could finish his sentence, Y/N turned around and leave "Good. Now I gotta find Beats" 

Y/N soon found him lying on the ground face-first, it wasn't that hard to spot him due to his unusual head. 

Denji turned into his hybrid form and began clashing with the puppet, who was called 'Santa Claus' as he heard Makima say that name. 

Y/N shook him "WAKE UP!" 

No answer. Y/N decided to take things further and slapped him, though it made Y/N hold his hand in pain. 


Beats slowly opened his eyes "W-Wuh?" 

"Oh good, you're finally awake. You alright? Feeling sick?"

Beats groaned, which sounded like static "Yeah, I'm alright. Just, let me lay here for a bit"

Y/N left Beats alone and was about to join in the fight, but he was stopped by Makima calling his name. 

"Y/N, don't think I forgot about you" shivers went down Y/N's spine as he heard Makima's emotionless voice. 

"...Hi" Y/N responded. 

"I turned a blind eye to what you tried to do during the Gun devil cult raid since it was minor" Makima said. 

Y/N went wide-eyed 'She knows?!'

"However, attacking a fellow hunter is something I cannot turn a blind eye to. From now on, you will be under supervision by a devil hunter veteran, and the association will forfeit any of your paychecks. Normally, I'd have to put you down, but since you're special, I'll go lenient with you" Makima continued. Y/N opened his mouth to respond, but Makima shut him up "We'll discuss more of this tomorrow after things calm down. For now, help Denji" 

Y/N said nothing and he sprinted towards the fight, he felt tears forming in his eyes 'I'm fucked, utterly screwed. My 700,000 monthly income...'

'Ah, don't be a baby, there's always mugging and robbery'

'If I do that, then I'll get fired! If Makima somehow knew what I did during the raid, then she'll surely know that I robbed a goddamn person or store!'


Y/N saw Denji getting swarmed by the dolls. Y/N unloaded the Revolver and replaced the ammo with piercing rounds. Y/N thought it to be an appropriate action since these dolls seem to be made out of wood, though they bled. How that works is beyond me.

Y/N fired a shot, and the bullet pierced 4 dolls. And another, and another, and another, until there were no longer dolls dog-piling on Denji. 

"Hey man, you alright?" Y/N asked as he looked around for any more dolls. 

"Yeah, a little scratch here and there" Denji grunted as he stood up. 

"Hey," A voice behind them said. They turned around to see a new female hybrid with spikes on its shoulders. Her arms seem to be a crossbow, or at least it looks like it "Truce, clearly, we have a common enemy"

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