Chapter 8 - Mission: Possible

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Hey, slow-ass author here


Knock knock

Y/N woke up in a jolt. He sighed and scratched his head in annoyance "It's too early for Kishibe. Who the hell would come here this early in the morning?" 

Y/N opened the door to see Himeno "...I'm guessing you're here for Aki? Yeah, sorry, he's still sleeping" 

Himeno lit up a cigarette "I know, I came here to ask you something" 

"Oh? What does the mighty vomit girl want from me?" 

"It's simple, really. I want you to help me to get Aki off the Bureau. Also, don't call me that" 

Y/N just stared at her for a second. He then slowly closed the door, but Himeno held it open. 

"Wait wait wait!" Y/N then fully opened the door "I know it might sound stupid to you-"

"It is, who the hell would make me lunch?" 

"-But can you please do it?"

Y/N sighed "What do I get out of it?" 

Himeno smiled and posed in a seductive manner "I'll kiss you" 

"Pass, I don't want barf all over my face" 

"Oh come on, that was a week ago! Fine, I'll pay you Yen instead if you manage to get Aki off the bureau" 

Y/N raised his eyebrows in interest "How much are we talking about?" 

"50 thousand yen" Himeno offered. 

"80 thousand"

"75 thousand" 

"Hmmm... Deal" Y/N and Himeno shook hands "Right, how am I gonna do that?" 

"Convince Makima or just... I don't know, use your methods" 

<<--/// Timeskip ///-->>

It was time. Y/N and the others had already broken into the building where the gun freaks were holding out. Luckily, the police were doing their jobs as distractions as he, along with Denji and Power, sneaked into the building unnoticed, while the rest of the 4th division were fighting the zombies on the ground floor. 

"Where are we going again?" Y/N asked, as he, Denji, and Power ran side-by-side in a tight hallway, going in random directions. 

"I dunno, somewhere with bad guys I guess"

"Quickly! I want to shed blood!" 

"Shut up, there will be bloodshed soon" 

"Hey! Why are you in a bad mood!?" Power asked.

"I woke up too early" Y/N saw a map pasted onto the wall, very terribly might I add. Y/N decided to stop to take a look at it "Guys wait, I found a map" 

The other two seem to didn't hear him as they continued to run. Y/N was having trouble with which part of the map he was at, to which he almost facepalmed as he saw the huge 'YOU ARE HERE' text.

"Okay, so, I'm here... Go up... Uhuh... Left... Ah, fuck it" Y/N then ripped the map off the wall and stuffed it inside his pocket "Guys, I know the way now!" 

He looked behind him, expecting to find Denji and Power standing "Of course, why'd I expect them to stay still?" 

Y/N decided it was a good idea to let them find their own way, so as to not waste any time. As he traversed through the hallways, a couple of pistol-wielding gunmen ambushed him as they suddenly showed themselves at an intersection

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