Chapter 6 - Gunpowder and Swords

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Hey, slow-ass author here, I'd like to say that I want to have a mini me running around and be a menace.


"You guys don't sell hotdogs?" Y/N asked.

"Sir, this is a ramen shop. If you're not gonna order, get out" 

'See?! I TOLD YOU!'

"Ugh, fine. I'll take the pork ramen" The cashier smiled and yelled at the cook, which was all the way at the back. 

Y/N sat down on a table with Aki, Power, Himeno, and Denji, who were already eating their own meal. Himeno eyed Y/N. 

"How long did you try to get a hotdog? 15 minutes? 40?" She asked.

"1 hour and 13 minutes" Y/N scratched his nape in embarrassment, he could feel the stares of all the people inside the restaurant. 

"Better listen to me next time" Aki said. 

"Bahaha! Y/N humiliated himself in front of so many people!" Power said as she points her finger at Y/N, noodles falling off her mouth. 

"Shut up, Power" Y/N then grinned "Sooo, vomit girl, didn't know you kidnapped Denji last night" 

Himeno sighed "That's what I'll be remembered as when I die, isn't it?" 

Suddenly, Y/N and the others heard loud bangs from afar. They looked to where it was coming from, but it was too far to tell what caused it.

"What was that?" Denji asked.

"Only an idiot wouldn't know that! It's the sound of drums!" Power answered.

"Nah, that's not it..." Y/N said as he focuses on trying to remember what the sound is. 

"A festival, huh. By the way, did you and Denji do anything sexual?" Aki asked. 

"Aha! Aki's jealous!" Denji said as he also grinned. 

"Shut up, Denji" 

"Nope! Denji's surprisingly gentlemanly" She said, and she continued to eat her ramen. 

The man who sat alone next to their table seemed visibly disgusted "You sure chowing down the ramen here like a pig... Doesn't it taste horrible to you?" 

The group except for Y/N, who was still trying to remember, stared at the lone man. 

"Who're you?" Himeno asked. 

"Tastes pretty good to me" Denji said.

"Don't talk to me like you know me!" Power yelled as usual.

"You just can't differentiate good flavors from bad. Well, not like if you can't help it. Apparently, if you only eat the same thing as a kid, it dulls your sense of taste when you become an adult, that lowers your overall happiness" The man said to Denji. 

"I am happy though?" Denji said. 

"Shall we leave?" Aki suggested, a bad feeling swirling inside of him. 

"Pops was a nice guy, he took me to all the expensive places and bought me good food. He was a Yakuza, but that's it, that's all he is, a Yakuza. You can say that people like him are normally evil, you could count on one hand the number of girls he killed, and he'd take the money from selling drugs and buy everything you wanted. Everyone loved him, he was a good man, through and through" The man then took out a picture of an old man and a kid, who looked like the younger version of the lone man.

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