Chapter 15 - Revelation

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Thought I won't update this again, didya?


Y/N opened his eyes and was met with a familiar ceiling. He rubbed his eyes and was noticed by Aki, who was making breakfast.

"Morning. Coffee?"

"Black tea is fine" Y/N yawned as he sat up "Man, good thing you got your arm back" 


"And the others?" Y/N looked to his side, Denji and Power were still sleeping on the futon.

"Himeno and Violence got an arm back, shark is dead, Kukasabe didn't get back his arms at all, and Kobeni and Music got all of their arms back, though Kobeni resigned and Beats is currently at the HQ until he fully recovers"

"That sucks, now I don't have anyone to mess with, except..." Y/N stared at Aki, who soon caught up on what he's implying.

Aki glared at him "Y/N, no"

"Twas a joke. Anyway, need any help with the cooking?"

Aki shook his head "No need, I can do this on my own" 

"Well, if you need any help, just ask. No money needed"

It had been a day since the assassins came and went. Y/N was still tired but didn't complain as he had a meeting to attend. 

"Anyway, what time is it?" Y/N asked.

"About..." Aki checked the clock "8 in the morning. Better get ready, you still have a meeting with ms. Makima" 

"Right" Y/N stood up and walked away "I'll be using the bathroom, so don't come in since the lock is broken"

"Use the air freshener after you're done"

"I know, I know"

"Hey" Y/N glanced at Aki "Thanks for cheering up Himeno"

<--/// Timeskip, Public Safety Main HQ ///-->

"Y/N, a bit late as usual" Makima 'greeted'. Y/N closed the door behind him and sat on a chair in front of Makima's desk.

Y/N sighed "Blame Power, she held onto my leg before I left" 

"You and Power seem to be really close, though she doesn't really show it when in public" 

Y/N dismissed it as he waved his hand "Yeah, yeah. So, what'd you call me here for?" 

"I will get straight to the point. I called you here about what you did in the past two months. Stealing from Public Safety property, assaulting a fellow Public Safety Hunter, firing a gun without permission, and secretly hiding your power from me even though I clearly said not to. Do you know what that means, Y/N?" 

Y/N looked upwards as he tried to remember the last conversation they had "...No more paychecks?" 

"Correct" as soon as she said that, Y/N's soul left his body "I hope you understand why" 

"When will I get my paychecks back?" 

"A month, or perhaps a year. It will depend on your behavior. The more behaved you are, the lesser the days that you'll wait. In addition, if I find your behavior to be good, you'll receive extra pay. As for the supervision, I decided that it wasn't needed since Beats or Aki would look after you" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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