Chapter 7 - Training

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Hey, slow-ass author here, I hate kids. They're goddamn annoying. 


Y/N woke up in a cold sweat. He saw an unfamiliar ceiling and decided to look around to know where he is.

Y/N noted that he was in some sort of hospital, the tubes attached to him and the heartbeat monitor gave it away. Aki, Himeno, Denji, and Power were also in the room, doing their own thing.

"Hey! That's my apple!" Denji yelled as he tries to push Power away.

"No way! I found it first!"

"Can you both stop? Y/N woke up because of you" Everyone stared at Y/N. 

"Woah... You aren't a ghost, are you?" Power asked, poking Y/N in the cheeks. 

"Can I punch you to test it?" Y/N offered, raising his tightened fist. 

"Go ahead! I won't feel a thing!" Power then crossed her arms in arrogance. 

Before anything else could happen, Himeno spoke "Phew, man, we all thought you died yesterday"

Y/N sat up "Oh yeah? What happened?"

"*Munch* Did you forget about it?" Denji asked. 

"My apple!" 

"Sword guy *gulp* stabbed you to the heart" Denji then kept eating the apple, while Power is still nagging Denji.

'That sword hybrid stabbed you through the heart

'I know, Denji just told me' Y/N thought "Oh, right. Somehow I don't remember" 

"We tried to get you healed by letting you drink blood, but that didn't work. When we got you to the hospital, your wound already healed without even drinking blood. What are you really?" Aki questioned. 

"Chill, maybe my healing just got delayed"

"I've been killing devils for years, that's not how it works" 

"As Makima said, I'm a fire devil" Y/N lied. 

"If you're a devil, then why don't you look like a monster?" Denji asked. 

Y/N raised his eyebrows "Makima didn't tell you? She said devils that are friendly to humans tend to look like one too. See? I love humanity" 

Aki deadpanned "You said during off-days that you'd kill a random guy and sell his organs just to earn cash" 

"That was a joke" 

Denji then spoke "You said during our patrols that you'd rather let humanity die than read 177013 again, whatever that is" 

"That was me exaggerating" 

Power then raised her hand excitedly "Oh! Didn't you say that you want to sell a thousand souls to a woman just to let her forgive you?!" 

"Stop asking me all these questions! I just woke up goddamn it!" 

Himeno clapped, getting their attention "Makima's associates informed me of something, and I want to share it with you four" 

<<--/// Timeskip, Hunter Graveyard, Noon ///-->>

Turns out, lots of guys and gals of the bureau got killed in the recent event, which led them in lacking manpower. So, in order to resolve that, Makima combined the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions to reinforce the 4th division. 

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