Chapter 10 - Explodin' Time

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"Somethings... Off" 

Y/N had noticed that Denji was going out a lot these days. Maybe because he and Makima kept going on a date, but it's impossible since Makima is the head-honcho of the bureau, he's pretty sure that she's swamped by paperwork by now.

"No idea what you mean, kind feller. I don't find anything strange" Beats said as he was sitting with Y/N, watching TV. 

"So it's just me then? I swear, Denji's been extra happy lately"

'I think the word you're looking for is blissful' Alt suggested

Beats tapped Y/N on the shoulder "Kind feller, if I may-"

"You may not" Y/N then grinned.

Beats then punched Y/N with all his strength, though it did nothing to Y/N. Not even a reaction came out of him.

Alt laughed 'Baby version of you can do much better'

Y/N smiled. He enjoyed their bickering to no end. If he had popcorn right now, he would happily munch on it. 

<<--/// Timeskip, Night ///-->> 

Y/N yawned. It was already nighttime, Beats was already sleeping on the couch. Y/N was getting bored of watching the news, which was just a bunch of useless information.

The house phone rang, and Y/N picked it up.

"Y/N here. Whoever you are, calling here in the middle of the night made me irritated" 

Sounds of what seems to be explosions and tires screeching were heard through the call "Y/N, this is Angel from the 4th division. We need your help, ASAP" 

'A girl's voice?' Y/N thought "Context please?"

"A HYBRID IS CHASING US! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Aki yelled, though a bit muffled. 

"On the way. By the way, should I lock the door, or...?" 


"Alright alright" Y/N then put the phone down, ending the call. He then proceeds to shake Beats, waking him up "Wake the fuck up samurai, we've got a Hybrid to chew ass"

<--/// Meanwhile ///-->

"Sorry for being late! Had to put Kobeni somewhere safe!" the violence fiend exclaimed. 

"Never have I been so glad to see a fiend" Aki said. The fiend and Aki readied themselves, altering their posture to their battle stances. 

"Woah, woah, time out!" The bomb devil said, raising her arms a bit in a sign of surrender "I'm running low on blood and I'm naked. Then there's two of you, that's not fair" 

"Hmmm... That's true, should we give her a handicap?" Aki just gave the fiend a stare "I'm gonna guess that's a no. Well, there you have it!" 

"Time out... Over" The bomb hybrid said, and suddenly, a devil with a big head with an exposed brain appeared behind the hybrid, it's intestines swirling around like a tornado. 

"Miss Reze! Typhoon Devil takes the stage!" Before anything could happen, a sudden loud voice was heard. 

"And Y/N Adler takes the spotlight!"the voice of Y/N boomed. It would seem that he was using some sort of megaphone. 

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