Chapter 3 - Endless Hotel (Pt. 2)

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Everyone, except the laughing Y/N, stared at the walking head in surprise and confusion. The head smiled towards Kobeni and tried to walk towards her. 

"Eeek!" Kobeni got scared as she backed away.

The head suddenly got lifted up in the air. Y/N stopped laughing and looked at Himeno, who was reaching her hand out, in surprise. 

'Does she have telekinesis?' Y/N thought.

"Heh, got you!" Himeno said.

"It's floating?!" Denji asked, as he was also surprised. Blood began to spew out of Power's wrist as she cut it, but not too deep. The blood began to take the form of a sword.

"Yes! A fight!" Power sliced the walking head in half with the blood sword.

The sliced head fell down to the ground with a splat. Kobeni looked like she was about to faint and cry at the same time. 

'Oh, I forgot that girl was even here' Y/N thought, referring to Kobeni.

"Gahahaha! That stupid devil started floating because it got scared of me!" Power said with a smile. 

"Wrong! It's because my ghost caught it" Himeno corrected, making Power look at her confused.

"Ghost?" Power asked. 

"I've contracted a ghost devil in exchange for letting it live inside my right eye. I can use it's right hand, it's invisible and strong. Reaaaaally 'handy' " Himeno explained. 

"Aha" Y/N let out a fake laugh. 

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad" Himeno strolled over Aki, who was holding a gun devil fragment, and placed her arms over his shoulder "Well, Aki? Does it have a piece of that gun fucker?"  

"No, it doesn't have a strong reaction" 

"That sucks, I was hoping to eat it. Oh well, what now?" Y/N asked. 

"We head up of course" 

The gang proceeded to get to other floors using stairs, Y/N began to think of a serious question... Why the fuck don't they use elevators? They've already checked 5 floors, and he's getting a bit tired.

"Hey, about earlier, is it ok for you to jabber on about your abilities in front of me? The whole reason why you're with us is to keep me in check, right?" Power asked

"Knowing each other's abilities makes it easier for us to work together, and besides, I've still got my ace up my sleeve, so it's fine" Himeno answered, while still having that smile on her face. 

'Do people smile here constantly? Even if this dimension is shitty?' Y/N thought

'Gotta love her optimism. I like her already'

"Oh reaaaaaaally~? Then..." Power suddenly manifested a blood knife and pointed it to Kobeni's neck. 


"If I say that I'm going to kill her, what are you going to do?" 

'Damn it, what is she doing?! If she does that, devil hunters are gonna be up my ass!' Y/N unsheathed his dagger and was about to stab Power, but Himeno immediately reached her hand out towards Power, and a hand grabbed her by the neck, choking her. 

 "Put away your weapon. If you try to do anything funny, I can strangle you at any time and in any place" Himeno said, still calm as ever. 

"Ok... I won't... I won't touch her" 

Himeno lets go of Power, and she desperately gasped for air. She coughed and coughed, with Denji patting her back. 

"It'll be a pain in the ass, so let's just get along, alright?" Himeno said, this time, her smile wider. Power didn't answer and just glared at her. 

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