Chapter 4 - Endless Hotel (Finale)

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Y/N unsheathed his dagger and prepared to stab Kobeni, in self-defense of course. Kobeni sprinted towards Y/N with the knife in front of her. Y/N hardened his glare to discourage and scare Kobeni from continuing, but she still continued. 

Aki kicked the dagger out of Kobeni's hands, and Denji held her down. Y/N raised his eyebrow and sheathed his dagger. The lump of flesh with faces laughed at the scene before it. 

"Huh, didn't think you guys would help me. Thanks for that" Y/N said.

"Don't mistake it for my kindness, I just don't want the devil to get what it wants" Aki replied with a cold tone. 

"Man, this is annoying. Aki, can't your fox swallow it up and end this?" Himeno asked. Aki formed a fox sign with his hand.

"Kon!" However, nothing happened "...Looks like he won't be appearing, we're cut off from the outside since the body is back at Kyoto..."

Himeno raised her hand "No other choice, looks like I have to use Ghost" She then clenched her hand. 

Multiple wounds of differing sizes formed on the lump of flesh. However, it wasn't enough to kill it. The lump of flesh regenerated it's wounds and grew bigger in size. 

"Woah, it got bigger!" Himeno exclaimed.

"Hah! That's what she said!" Y/N grinned. His fist lit up in flames and he pulled it back, ready to throw something "Lemme try!"  

Aki grabbed his hand, stopping him from throwing something "Don't! It will be useless, save your energy" 

"Hahaha... He's right, it will be useless... This isn't my real body. My heart isn't here... this is my stomach... my weakpoint isn't at the 8th floor... Unless you make a contract with me, all of you won't leave here... alive" The lump of flesh said, it's faces twisting and turning. 

"Huh! It's not like you'll let us out even if we gave you Y/N!" Denji yelled.

"That's not true. You heard it say 'contract,' right? When a devil uses the word contract it holds a powerful meaning. As long as one side upholds its end of the contract, the other absolutely has to follow through. Breaking the contract means death, so it is definitely true that if we kill you we'll get out" Himeno explained

Y/N nervously sweated and tried to discourage everyone "Hey guys, just so you know, I will fight to the death if ya'll want to kill me. Trust me, you do not want to fight me"

"Himeno... We should just kill him" Arai said. 

"Hey, you deaf or something? I said I'm gonna beat your asses"

"If we just kill him, we can figure out a plan to deal with it... at this rate, we'll all starve to death in this hotel... it's allowed by law for devil hunters to contract with a devil! We should take that devil's deal!" Arai continued. Everyone was silent, as it was hard to decide if they would or not. 

"The devil wants to kill Y/N, then that means it'll gain something from him dying. So I won't make a contract" Aki said, breaking the silence.

"Me too, then" 

"Count me in!" 

Himeno and Denji said, but then there's Power.

"I'll be on the kill side!" 

"Bruh, what" a very perplexed Y/N looked at a very enthusiastic Power doing a peace sign. 

"I have to get outside and announce that I will get my Nobel prize! So die for the sake of my Nobel!" 

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