Chapter 12 - Hell-o, Darkness my Old Friend

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Man, screw math. Every one of my homies hates calculus 

So hyped up for Chainsaw man anime, can't wait to experience the snowball fight the 2nd time :')


Y/N and the rest of the group were walking down the street. Beats, who was on Y/N's shoulder, tapped on his head. 

"They're still following us" Y/N nodded at the information and tilted his head at a building.

Seeing this, Denji acted like he's hungry "Mannnn, I wanna get some grub. How bout we try those stuff over there?" 

As soon as they went inside, Y/N gave Denji a stare "That was such bad acting" 

"Hey! That was my first time doing it!" 

"Everyone, stay behind me" Kukasabe said as he squatted inside a circle, and everyone obliged. 

As some people, who looked like dolls, went inside the building, Kukasabe blew some air, which turned the dolls to stone.

"Woah! Cool!" Denji said. 

"Stay back unless you want to end up like them. The stone devil is fickle" Kukasabe warned. 

"Nooooted~" Himeno said. 

"It's the doll devil. If they touch you, even just your clothes, you'll turn into one of them" Yoshida said. Y/N found the man quite mysterious since he always keeps quiet and stays at the back. 

"Now that I think about it, people are afraid of dolls?" Y/N asked. 

"Thanks to that horror movie, Child's play I think was the name" Yoshida said. 

Y/N nodded "Makes sense" 

"Jeez, they look creepy. How many of these things are there?" Denji asked. 

"We don't know, but there is a limit" Aki said. 

All of a sudden, too many dolls stormed inside. They were too many for Kukasabe to handle, so they all strategically retreated. 

As they reached the top of the stairs, Beats jumped off Y/N's shoulders as he rolled up his right sleeve and faced the palm of his right hand toward the dolls 

"Time to shine!" He yelled. A stream of flames bursts out of his palm and engulfed the doll horde. It took no time for them to get destroyed. 

"Nice job Y/N. You finally followed the plan" Aki said. 

"We had a plan?" 

Aki stared at Y/N with no expression "I take back my compliment" 

Though it seemed like that'll be the last of them, it wasn't. Another horde of dolls burst through the entrance, and this time, their numbers were multiplied tenfold.

"Ah shit" Y/N turned to the gang "Guys, I've got thi-" 

Y/N stopped speaking and stared at the entrance. Everyone saw this and was worried.

"Dude, the hell is wrong-" Denji was interrupted by Y/N, who looked panicked. 

"Fucking duck!" Everyone did as told. They ducked just in time as something whizzed past them. 

As they looked back at the horde, their heads and body had been cut by someone. They turned their heads back to see a woman with an eyepatch. 

"Ah, crap, this is bad. Uhmmmm, eyepatch besties?" Himeno asked

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