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Riansh was sitting on a couch drinking whiskey while his parents were cursing Annika.

Annika's Dad- We never thought she'll do this to your son. We are sorry.

Riansh's Mom- Keep your sorry Sharma ji. We just want your daughter to take the case back. We don't know how you do it but I'll burn your daughter alive if she'll not take her case back.

Annika's Mom- Don't worry Behen ji. I'll punish her for doing this. How can she call her husband rapist? He have all the rights on her and her body.

Riansh's Mom- Girls these days bhen ji girls these days! They don't know anything about household.

Riansh- SHUT UP YOU ALL! I know how to handle this. Hearing date is on Monday and I'll make sure she gets back to me.

Riansh's Dad- Okay Son! But be careful. Her lawyer is very good and famous. I've read about him in many articles.

Riansh- You don't tell me what to do. I said I'll handle. Go now, all of you go.

All four of them left Riansh alone thinking he's sad and needs time.

Riansh- Get ready Annika Sharma! I'll make sure you rot in jail for doing this.


Shivaay was talking with Sanjana when Annika entered the room looking desperate. As if she's searching for something.

Sanjana- What happened Anu? What you want?

Annika- I'm searching for my cigarettes Sanju Di. I can't find them in my luggage.

Sanjana- Are you serious Annika? You're not getting any cigarettes.

Annika- Don't do this please. You know i can't live without cigarettes. I didn't had any from last two-three days.

Shivaay was shocked to see her behaving like those addictive persons who can't live without their addiction.

Sanjana- Smoking is bad for your health anu.

Annika- I know and that's why i smoke. I smoke because i know it's bad for me.

Sanjana- It's not just bad, it kills you slowly.

Annika- It's okay! Everything that kills me, makes me feel alive.

Sanjana- Stop behaving like this Anu. What happened to that old cheery Annika?

Annika- That Annika killed herself because she was unable to fulfill her promises. Now please, if your questions are over than can i have one cigarette?

Annika screamed.

Shivaay- It's okay Sanju Di. Here!

Shivaay forwards a packet of cigarettes to Annika.

Sanjana- But Shivaay...

Shivaay gestures her to be silent.

Sanjana- Wow just wow! You know what I'm going for grocery shopping now. Shivaay please be here with her.

Sanjana leaves the home in anger.

Shivaay looks at Annika who was now sitting silently, watching out of the window and smoking.

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