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Annika was sitting lost in her thoughts when Shivaay entered her room.

Annika- You he-re?

Shivaay- Yes and i want to ask some questions.

Annika- No-t aga-in Shivaay.

Shivaay- On what track your mind is going? I'm talking about questions related to this case.

Annika- Oh! Yes su-re!

Shivaay- How do the opposition's lawyer had pictures of you and your ex-lover?

Annika- Um me-I had th-em.

Shivaay- Do you remember anything from that night which can help us fight this case?

Annika- I do-n't exact-ly remember.

Shivaay- Put pressure in your mind Annika and think about anything, anything which can make our side strong.

Annika closed her eyes and started recalling scenes from that night, her breaths were getting heavy but she decided not to fall weak, Shivaay held her hand when he noticed her sweaty palms and uneven breathing.

Annika- He was drag-ging me towards the roo-m, i was mov-ing continu-ously to get ri-d of him, i was screaming loudly.

Shivaay- You don't have to tell me that Nini, just think something which can help us. You can do it, think of something.

Annika- I don't know, I'm sorry.

She ended up crying.

Shivaay- Oh no no! You don't have to feel bad, I'll do something. Stop crying, please.

Annika- I'm use-less Shiv-aay, sorry!

Shivaay- It's okay Nini, I'm always here for you. I'll do something.

Annika- Shivaay! I sti-ll do.

Shivaay smiled brightly knowing exactly what she meant by that.

Shivaay- Sanjana Dii, come here.

Sanjana entered the room.

Sanjana- Yes Shivaay?

Shivaay- Take care of Annika, I'll be back.

Sanjana- Okay!


Any progress? ~ S

Yes Sir, I've find something very fishy. I think we should go for it. ~ Khanna

Good Job Khanna! I'll be coming in 20 minutes and then we can discuss the plan. ~ Shivaay

Sure sir. ~ Khanna

Shivaay smirked.

(It's show time y'all.)


4 days passed and Shivaay was working day and night to collect evidence against Riansh Khanna.

It was 8 or something when he entered the house looking tired.

Sanjana- You're back finally. I've an emergency case and will be staying out tonight. Take care of Anu, please.

Shivaay- Okay.

Annika- No no, you can go if you have some work. I can manage.

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