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Shivaay and Annika reached Sanjana's place and Annika ran inside the house without saying anything.

Shivaay followed her but she locked her room before he can enter.

Thinking she needs some time, Shivaay decided to cook something and then call her.

45 minutes later he was setting the food on the dining table when Annika walked out of her room wearing a beautiful Black salwar kameez with a red shawl which reminded Shivaay of the first time he saw her serving food in Gurudwara.

She was wearing a black salwar kameez with a velvet red duppatta that had little bells at it's ends that tinkled whenever she moved.

She changed alot from that time. That lively, cheerful and a little chubby Annika is now replaced by a weak, pale and depressed Annika.

His eyes followed her and he saw her picking up another cigarette.

Shivaay- Annika don't.

Annika rolled her eyes and picked up the lighter as well.

Shivaay- Please Annika, let's have food first. You know I'll not be able to eat if you'll smoke here.

Annika- I'll go then.

Shivaay- And you also know that I'll not be able to eat if you won't eat.

Annika took her place in one of the chairs without saying a word and flipped her plate giving him a green flag that he can eat now.

Shivaay smiled lightly and they both had their lunch in silence. They were almost done when his phone rang flashing "Sanju Dii".

Shivaay- Yes dii?

Sanjana- Shivaay I'm not coming home tonight.

Shivaay- What? Why Dii? Any problem?

Sanjana- No Shivaay. It's just I've to submit a report early morning and i have to complete it tonight. As you know this place is really far from my house and i can't waste my time driving home.

Shivaay- Okay Dii. Take care!

Sanjana- But Shivaay promise me you won't leave Annika alone even for a second, even when she's sleeping.

Shivaay- But dii how can i...

Sanjana- Please Shivaay. She still gets those bad dreams and all so we can't afford leaving her alone.

Shivaay- Okay Dii.

Sanjana- Thank you, Bye and Take care!

Annika gave Shivaay a questioning look.

Shivaay- Umm Sanjana Dii will not come tonight. She have some work so she called to inform.

Annika nodded and started collecting plates to wash.

Shivaay- I'll do them Annika, you go and rest.

Annika- It's okay. I'll do this.

Shivaay- But...

Annika- I said I'll do it.

Shivaay left the room muttering an "okay" to use washroom.

Annika was washing dishes and he was wiping the plates.

Annika- Shivaay!

Shivaay- Yes Annika?

Annika- Will you ever forgive me?

Shivaay- I've already forgiven you.

Annika- Why?

Shivaay- Because if you love someone you will forgive them for all the wrongs. You can make it right and love them again.

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