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It was the day of court hearing and Annika was behaving all edgy.

Annika- Do I re--really ha-ve to be th-e-re?

Shivaay- Who filed the case Annika?

Annika- M--me

Shivaay- Then yes, you've to be there.

Annika- Sh--Shivaay please.

Sanjana- Stop behaving like a kid anu and let's go.

Annika nodded still unsure about herself. She was continuesly praying that she'll not fuck it up there.

They reached the Court half and hour ago and Sanjana excused herself as she have to take some call.

Annika- Shiv--Shivaay do y--you have a cigarette?

Shivaay- Why do want cigarettes all the time?

Annika- Wha--what are you? My Mo--mother?

She snapped at him angrily and instantly regret it.

Annika- I--I am sorry.

Shivaay forwarded a packet of cigarettes to her and she took one without saying a word.

Shivaay- Why do you smoke Annika? I never thought you'll be addicted. You used to cough while smoking.

Annika- I sm--smoke because i en--joy it. It makes me fe-feel good. It helps me rel--ax and that's enough for me. And about addiction you ne-never know wh--at future ho--holds for you.

Shivaay- But you know smoking is bad.

Annika- You know smoking is bad but my life is worse. So if I'm living the worse than i can smoke the bad too.

Shivaay- You're being impossible Annika.

Annika just shrugged her shoulders in response.

Shivaay stood their wondering if this woman is real or not? She is behaving so different. Sometimes she's all scared and crying, sometimes she goes regretting, sometimes stubborn. Her mental health is badly affected by the past incidents.

He was busy in his thoughts when he heard Annika's loud shriek. He looked her to find an older-ly woman shaking Annika and shouting at her.

Shivaay- Stay away! What's this behaviour?

Shivaay pushed that lady lightly and pulled Annika to himself. Annika was standing there numb as if someone poured a bucket full of ice on her.

Shivaay places his hand on her cheek and pats lightly.

Shivaay- Annika? Annika? What happened? Who is she?

But Annika stood looking at a particular direction.


Sanjana returns after talking to her patient and finds Shivaay calling Annika loudly.

Sanjana- What happened Shivaay?

Shivaay- God knows Dii. We were talking when this old lady started shouting at Annika and now she's not saying anything.

Sanjana looks at the old lady who was glaring Sanjana with angry eyes.

Sanjana- This is Annika's mom and that's Annika's in-laws and her husband.

Shivaay looks at the same direction where Annika was staring at and there stood a masculine guy in his mid 30s smirking at him.

Shivaay- Hey you! You're Annika's mom right?

Annika's Mom- Unfortunately yes.

Sanjana- Oh it's really unfortunate but for Annika. Mothers like you are black spot on the names of mothers.

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