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Flashback is still going on~

Shivaay was roaming lost in his thoughts of Annika when he bumped into some girl.

Shivaay- I'm so sorry lady, i didn't see you! Are you hurt? Shit! I'm so sorry.

Girl- It's okay! I'm not hurt. Just watch where you walk.

She said dusting off her skirt.

Shivaay- I'm so sorry...

He was going to say more when he heard the same voice he heard in Gurudwara.


He saw her moving towards them with fast steps and ran away quickly muttering "sorry" one more time.

Rachel looked at Annika.

Annika- What happened? Did that guy pushed you? Oh wait! He was ragging you? I'll just go and take his class.

Rachel- Shut up Annika! He didn't pushed me and ofcourse he wasn't ragging me.

Annika- But you were on ground a few seconds before.

Rachel- Yeah, he bumped into me by mistake but then apologized. So yeah it's all cool.

Annika- Cool! Let's go to the class then.

Rachel nodded and they moved to their respective classes.


Shivaay was screaming Louis's name again and again but he was no where to be found.

Shivaay- LOUIS!

Just then Louis entered the room with small bags in his hands.

Louis- Shut up Oberoi. Are you a jerk? Why are you screaming when you know I'm not in room.


Louis- Ughh Stop shouting Shivaay.

Shivaay- Oh yeah! Sorry. I'm just too happy.

Louis- And why are you so happy?

Shivaay- She's here! She's here! Oh my god! I can't believe she's here.

Louis- Who she?

Shivaay- ANNIKA!

Louis- Who Annika?

Shivaay- Seriously Loo?

Louis- Yuck don't call me that and tell me who Annika?

Shivaay- The girl i was talking about yesterday. The same girl i saw in Gurudwara who was wearing black salwar kameez with velvet red dupatta that had little bells at it's ends that tinkled whenever she moved.

Louis- Okay i got it but you don't have to mention the little bells of her dupatta every time you talk about her.

Shivaay's face turned red in embarrassment.

Louis- Fuck! Are you blushing?

Shivaay- Ofcourse not. I can't blush Louis.

Louis laughed and Shivaay joined.


Night time~
Annika's room~

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