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Shivaay was getting ready in his room for "not-a-date" .

Louis- Yo man! Looking nice. Where are you going though?

Shivaay- I'll talk to you later loo. I'm getting late.

Louis- Atleast tell me where are you going?

Shivaay- Umm I'm going out with Annika. I'll be back soon.

Louis- Woohoo! This was pretty fast bro.

Shivaay- Shut up and Bye!


He glanced it watch for the fifteenth time to check the time. It was 6:15 already.

"Ofcourse girls!" he said rolling his eyes.

"You said something?" He heard her voice.

Shivaay- Me? N--no! I didn't said anythi...

His words died when he looked at her, She was looking so beautiful in that simple white summer dress.

Annika- Shivaay? I heard you saying something.

Shivaay- Huh?

Annika- Why are you so weird?

Shivaay- Am i?

Annika- Ofcourse duh!

She rolled her eyes and Shivaay chuckled.

Shivaay- Let's go Annika!


They were sitting facing each other in a small cafeteria. The most cosy and affordable cafe near to their college campus.

Shivaay- Let's order first.

Annika- Yeah sure!

Shivaay- I'll have one Chicken sandwich, chocolate donut and a cup of espresso. Thank you!

Annika- I'll have a cheeseburger, one latte and some cupcakes please. Thank you!

The waiter left requesting them to wait for few minutes.

Annika- So?

Shivaay- So?

Annika- You know what? I'm still not sure why I'm here with you. But i just couldn't deny when you asked.

Shivaay- But I'm sure why i asked you out.

Annika- Really? Why?

Shivaay- Will tell you later. Now let's play some question game to know each other better.

Annika- Okay! What about 14 questions?

Shivaay- I've heard if 21 questions but what's 14 questions?

Annika- Dumbo! I've just reduced the number questions.

Shivaay- I'm not dumbo.

Shivaay rolled his eyes.

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