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Annika's sleep got disturbed by the sunrays falling on her face from the window.

She slowly opened her eyes which were heavy because of all crying last night and felt something heavy on her belly region. She looked down to find Shivaay sleeping in a weird position placing his head on her tummy. She was feeling too awkward so she just layed there in silence waiting for him to wake up first. Later she dozed off waiting for him to wake up.

The next time Annika opened her eyes Sanju was back and Shivaay was setting the dining table for a nice brunch.

Sanjana- Good morning Anu! Slept well?

Annika- I-- Yeah! Good morning Di.

Annika replied taking her seat beside Sanjana.

Sanjana- Shivaay bro, I'm dying to eat something. What's for the lunch.

Shivaay- Brunch Sanju Di.

Sanjana- Yeah yeah that only.

Shivaay- It's a surprise. TADA!

Shivaay removed the lid of the container revealing mouth-watering aloo poori.

Sanjana- What the heck?

Shivaay- What happened Dii?

Sanjana- You and Indian food that too Aloo poori. Like the oily-est of all the time. That's what you used to say no?

Shivaay- Yeah but Annika loves Aloo poori...

Annika looked up at him and their eyes met. They were staring into each other's eyes trying to figure the running emotions when Sanjana noticed something which Shivaay always tried to hide.

Sanjana- You have a tattoo Shivaay?

She said and pulled his coller to see that tattoo properly and her eyes widened looking at it.

He have Annika's name tattooed just over his heart. Her throat tightened when she noticed a small heart at the end of it.

Sanjana looked up at his face to find him looking at Annika and she was already looking at him with tears in her eyes.

Sanjana- I knew it! I knew you guys know each other.

Shivaay- N--n-noo----

Sanjana- Dare you lie to me Shivaay. You should have told me this. If not Shivaay then atleast you Annika, i thought you consider me as your sister but you never told me this.

Annika- I-- So--sorry Dii. I didn't me--mean yo hide i-t.

Sanjana- But you still did!

Sanjana looked down with tears in her eyes.

Shivaay- Please don't cry Sanju Dii. I didn't know Annika is like your sister and I got to know this in such unlike situation. I'll tell you everything RN.

Sanjana- You better tell me everything otherwise I'll kick you both out of my house.

Sanjana demanded and Shivaay looked at Annika. She nodded lightly as if giving permission to go ahead.


Public University in London
Year 2018

Shivaay was getting ready to go somewhere when his roommate Louis entered the room.

Louis- Hey man! Are you going somewhere?

Shivaay- Yeah! It's mom-dad's wedding anniversary so I'm going to the Gurudwara.

Louis- You didn't tell me this before. I should have bought something for them. Oh wait..

Shivaay looked at Louis plucking some flowers from the little Balcony garden they have and then he placed the flowers infront of the picture of Shivaay's dead Mom-Dad!

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