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Annika's head was heavy from all the ko crying. Today it was the day of court hearing and Shivaay needed proofs.

They settled in Shivaay's car and headed towards the court.

The day Shivaay and Annika told everything to Sanjana everything changed. Annika was more silent from that day and she wasn't even talking to Sanjana anymore.

Sanjana- Annika you are okay right?

Sanjana noticed Annika's red eyes.

Annika- Yes I'm okay.

Shivaay- No she's not. She's having a throbbing headache and needs medicine.

He said handling the steering wheel from one hand and took out medicine from his other hand.

Annika- I'm okay!

Shivaay- You're not! Shut up and have these medicines.

Annika- You can't man handle me.

Shivaay- I'm not even touching you Nini. Don't be so stubborn.

Annika- You! You don't have to call me that.

Shivaay- Whatever!

Saying this he focused back on road.

Sanjana- Shivaay we don't have any proof.

Shivaay- I know dii but I'll try to postponed this for a long time. We'll get time to collect evidence.

Sanjana nodded and got busy in checking some mails.


Annika was feeling uncomfortable under her husband's constant staring. He was a shameless ruthless man and that scared her, not just for her but for Sanjana and Shivaay.

Shivaay noticed Annika fidgeting her fingers and looked around to find Rehaan staring her. His blood boiled looking at him but he can't do anything. They were in the courtroom.

The Judge arrived.

"Case number 143 Annika Sharma's Rape case. Present Riansh Khanna in Defendant box."

Judge- Start with the court proceedings.

Alok- Good morning your honour. Without wasting anytime i want to ask Mr. Oberoi that if he have the evidence or not?

Shivaay- As i already presented you the reports your honour. Annika's medical reports clearly says that she was raped that night and the semen doctors found in Annika's genital area is of Mr. Khanna. Which clearly implies that the person who raped Annika Sharma was none other then Mr. Riansh Khanna.

Riansh's face went pale hearing to Shivaay.

Alok- Your honour grant me the permission to ask some questions from Mrs. Khanna.

Judge- Permission granted.

Annika stood in the witness box, her legs were shaking.

Alok- How are you doing Mrs. Khanna?

Annika- It's Ann--Annika Sharma.

Alok- Yeah that only. How are you doing though?

Annika- I'm okay!

Alok- I don't like beating around the bush Miss. Sharma. Coming straight to the point, were you virgin when you got married to Mr. Khanna?

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