Chapter 1

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Three years had passed since Azmaria's departure. Slowly, the Sand Siblings, Tamahome, and Sanchi learned to live without her in their lives. It proved to be a difficult task. No more smiles or extra training sessions. No sudden jokes or side comments. No more laughs or embarrassed pouts. All of their daily routines had a large gaping hole it with her not around.

Gaara was hit the hardest, though he tried to hide it. Instead, the Kazekage worked hard to show he was still committed to the people of Suna. That he was fine. That he had gotten over her absence. Reality was that he never did; never could, is the proper term. Temari could tell, of course. She knew it all along. At first, the sister attempted talking to Gaara. To see if it would help. Though the ninja gave up, and realized nothing could heal him.

Another thing had changed over the years. Temari was engaged to marry Shikamaru by the end of the upcoming summer. That gave them nine months to prepare. There was still the issue as to where they were going to live, having to choose between the Land of Fire and Wind. It could wait though as other, more pressing matters were arising.

The alliance between Iwagakure and Suna were strained. Word was that Iwagakure had been, for an unknown reason, siding with the rebel Land of Sound. The Kazekage's fears were confirmed when Tamahome and Sanchi returned one day with news that they had indeed allied themselves. This posed a problem, given the Sound's movements and their growing misdeeds throughout the Villages. Then the threat of war began to spark rumors throughout the lands.

Gaara sent out ninja all over the Sand to gather forces, and relocated those near the border, the battle line, closer to Suna. However, with two strong forces pitted against one another, it made him wonder if it was going to be enough. The Sound was a mystery in itself, no telling what they had up their sleeves. Gaara still had no idea as to why Iwagakure was declaring war on them. He had yet to receive any details. The Tsuchikage wasn't talking.

"Any news?" Temari asked, walking into his office.

"Nothing," he answered, as he stared out the window.

Three days ago, Kankuro had been sent out with Tamahome, and other Sand Ninjas to gather information as to why this war was about to ignite. If they made it in time, maybe Gaara could prevent a war in his land. And spare some lives in the process. He didn't want bloodshed. He wanted things to remain peaceful.

Sanchi had gone off towards the Land of Fire to inform the Hokage on the developments, only just arriving back yesterday. The young man had made frequent trips so the Leaf wasn't left in the dark. At least Suna had their alliance with the Fire Country, their quickest way of assistance, if this went wrong.

"He's taking too long," Temari muttered. "Have you asked the Hokage to ally with us?"

"I don't want to bring them into this affair if we can handle it ourselves... Though if the time comes, I will send for them."

She nodded in understanding.

"How goes the evacuation of the border?" the young man wondered.

"Well. We've moved about five towns closer to the walls of Suna for safety. Another ten south towards Kaze and Ainokura."

Gaara nodded mutely, still looking out the window. It was quiet, the sun having barely risen two hours ago. Looking at all of the documents and folders on his desk, the young man sighed heavily, not looking forward to filling out reports. With war looming, all of the missions that had been sent to Suna were on hold, which formed a large stack in response. He had to start sending out someone. Genin, Chuunin, Jounin, anyone.

"Would you like some help?" Temari asked, seeing the look on her brother's face.

He nodded in response and picked up a piece of paper. The sister began to organized, looking through each document to see which ones were of importance.

A gong sounded from outside, making their movements stop. Then they realized where the sound came from. Temari raced to the Kazekage's balcony. The gongs on the walls around Suna were the cause of this, the noise growing louder and louder each second.

"What's going on?" she yelled, two guards from the wall stopping below. "Why are the gongs sounding?"

"Get everyone in the city!" one yelled.


"Kankuro and Tamahome are back!"

"Make way!"

Gaara had by now joined his sister. They watched as two more Sand Ninja came forward, helping an exhausted and bloody Kankuro and Tamahome. Temari's eyes widened, before jumping down to the ground.

"What happened?" she asked frantically. She tried to stop Kankuro's head from bleeding.

"Iwa and the Sound are coming!" the older brother coughed out.

"How close?" Gaara asked.

"Too close," Tamahome answered, dazed.

A large gash from a kunai ran down the right side of his face, forehead to mouth in length. No one could see the eye anymore from the blood.

"We need to get everyone inside now!" Kankuro yelled.

"Take them to the hospital!" Temari directed. "Sanchi!"

The young man flanked her side to await orders.

"Alert the other ninjas! Gather everyone! Those present, come with me! We need to get those civilians inside before the first wave!"

"I'm coming," Gaara spoke up, stepping forward.

"Gaara, no!"

"Kazekage, it's too dangerous," a ninja spoke up.

The young man began removing the Kazekage robes and revealed the ninja clothing underneath. "That is for me to decided. I'm not about to sit around and not help the people of the Sand."

"Fine," Temari spoke up. They didn't have time to argue. "Open the gates! Head out!"

Ninjas spilled out of Suna, rushing towards the civilians that were living in tents outside the gate. People were screaming. Cried out in surprise by the change of events. Children and babies were yelling and wailing as well from all the noise. The gongs never stopped.

"Get inside! Quickly everyone!" Temari yelled. "Leave everything behind and find shelter!"

Those who were too weak to move, Gaara lifted with his sand and escorted them through the gates. "How close are we?" he asked a few minutes later.

"Not even close by the rate we're moving," Temari answered, helping an old woman inside. "We still don't know how close the enemy is."

Gaara walked out into the moving crowd. In search for anyone else who might've been left behind. A child's cry could be heard to his left, and the Kazekage found a disoriented boy searching for something.

"What are you doing?" Gaara asked, catching his attention.

"I-I c-c-can't find m-my m-mom," he hiccupped through sobs. The Kazekage scooped up the boy into his arms.

"She's probably already inside. Let's–"

"In coming!" a guard yelled from above.

Temari whirled around as a wall of sand rippled towards them at an alarming rate.

"Get inside now!" she shouted.

Glaring, Gaara whirled around with an arm extended. He threw the approaching sand back in the other direction. However, when it cleared, an army composed of Iwa and Sound Ninjas stood on the other side.

And so started the first wave of attacks and yet another war.

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