Chapter 9

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"Just because you have an abnormal amount of chakra does not mean you should be using it so freely whenever you want," Tamahome scolded.

In the corner of the room, Sanchi bit his lip in amusement and tried to hide a laugh as his partners gave each other pointed looks. It was quite a sight to see his normally calm partner worked up and lecturing the young woman.

"In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a war," Aamaria grumbled.

"I'm not blind, Az, but this is just dangerous! What if the enemy came back suddenly and you had nothing left to give? Or if you were still out in the field without anyone watching your back because they have to worry about themselves?"

"Well, it's a good thing I trust the people I'm with then."

The Medical Ninja sighed, knowing he was not going to win this battle and rolled away some equipment that had been monitoring her chakra levels.

"You can't keep expecting to feed off of your reserves, Az. It's dangerous and risky for your health. Whereas a normal reserve like Sanchi's and mine can do enough damage to be sure we're out of harm's way, yours can, at times, feel unlimited. Which makes me nervous because you could push yourself so far one day that without realizing it... you'll drain completely. We have no idea when you will reach 'too much'."

The ex-Soldier looked away releasing a breath. "I know... And I'll be honest, sometimes it feels like I can't stop myself."

"You really need to learn how to take better care of yourself."

"I've been trying... ever since I left." Their eyes met and Azmaria offered him a kind smile. "But it's hard when your whole life you're taught to help others and disregard yourself. I'm getting better though. Promise."

"Give her a break, Tamamhome," Sanchi spoke up. "It's not like she threw herself in front of anyone and stupidly sacrificed herself."

"No, instead I throw them out of the way with wind attacks when they are being stupid."

The three shared a laugh and it was times like these that Azmaria enjoyed. She had missed her teammates. Even Tamahome's antics acting like a mother hen. Despite the war, happy memories were cherished when there seemed to be so few things to find cheerful nowadays.


"This is brilliant."

"Right?" Temari beamed.

When the Sand Ninja's shift completed, she had headed off the ex-Solder on her way to find the Raikage and check in. Instead, the young woman found herself being dragged towards their residence and to the back of the house that had caved in on one side. Gaara had managed to repair the hole with compacted sand, yet there were still some debris on the floor. Azmaria had attempted to clean it away in her first few weeks here, though Temari told her not to worry about it. Now she could see why and that it was a cover up for something greater.

"It was Sakura's idea, really. Before this war even began. Knowing how important this is to both Shikamaru and I, we hollowed out the basement under the house and then Gaara compacted the sand so much that it would keep the structure above us standing and even if everything else was destroyed during a battle."

Everything was here in regards to the upcoming wedding. Clothing, the guest and food list, possible flower arrangements cut out from magazines, tuxedos, dresses, and even Temari's bridal gown. It was absolutely gorgeous, sitting there on its stand.

"We've always had plans to hold the ceremony here in Suna, with Gaara being the Kazekage and all, it's hard for him to travel. This war does put a damper on some things, and the party itself will have to be edited to match our rations and what we're able to get in terms of supplies since they can be stretched thin from time to time. But Shikamaru is still set on having the wedding. In fact, he almost wanted to push up the date."

"I would've thought you'd both want to wait until later." Until the end of the war, but the ex-Soldier couldn't bring herself to say it since the end was still so uncertain.

"I did." The woman snickered, "But the idiot talked me into staying on schedule because he is right about one thing. Being involved in a war where the two of us are on the front lines every day... there's no telling when it will be your last. Not to sound so morbid, but it's true. You're so grateful after every battle that you're still alive, even if you're harmed in some way. And you never know.

"If we put off this wedding... what if one of us isn't so lucky? Then we can't share the joy of being married or knowing what could've been. So, Shikamaru wants to go forward with the wedding in three weeks. It'll be an evening ceremony now. I'm only hoping it's a day the enemy decides to take off. At least for one day... we can have a positive memory out of this."

"Then we should hit them hard so you can have your day of happiness."

Temari grinned, watching as the ex-Soldier plucked at the light blue material to observe the bridesmaids' dresses.

"You know... there's an extra one."

Azmaria looked up in confusion.

"I always meant to ask you, but when Gaara said that your letters stopped I didn't think you'd respond. But I still hoped that either you would come for a visit or the letters would suddenly start up again and then I'd ask. So, would you like to be my maid of honor?"

Stunned, the material slipped from her fingers, resting back into place on the rack. "Temari..."

"I don't have any sisters. You're the closest thing I have to that and the years you spent with us I considered you as so. Gaara is one of the men in Shikamaru's party, and Kankuro is walking me down the aisle. It wouldn't be a wedding without you as my maid of honor."

She nearly wanted to cry, grinning widely and hugging the woman tightly. "I would love to."

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