Chapter 22

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They stood just outside the gates of Suna in their traveling cloaks, the Lightning Ninjas gathering in preparation to head out for the long road home. They said their goodbyes to the friends they had made, the Raikage approaching Gaara with Azmaria. Kankuro and Temari flanked their brother's sides as Tamahome moved forward to hug the ex-Soldier tightly.

"We can't thank you enough," Gaara stated as the Kages shook hands.

"You would have done the same for us," the man answered. "But hopefully you won't have to come to our land any time soon to return the favor."

"No, hopefully not."

"A pleasure, Raikage," Temari stated.

Tamahome sighed heavily before pulling away to look the ex-Soldier in the eye. "I'm going to miss you, Az," he stated. "Nothing was the same the last time you let."

"Sorry," she sighed. "But I have a duty to the Raikage as a Commander and trusted advisor on his council."

"I know... but I can hope." Then a little lower, the young man said, "Please come back and visit. Even if you don't stay it would make all of us, but more so Gaara happy to see you again. I know the two of you have been involved."

Her cheeks heated in embarrassment. "How...?"

"We worked together for years. I'd think I'd know my partner when something was up."

The young woman hugged him tightly, breathing, "I miss you already."

"Please take care of yourself. I've already grown a few grey hairs because of you and your antics."

"Company, prepare to move out!" the Raikage's voice boomed.

The sand siblings attention turned towards the young woman as Tamahome stepped away. Temari was the first to approach, arms wrapping around her neck.

"Please, don't be a stranger," she stated. "You're always welcome."

"I will try and come when I can," she reassured.

Gaara waited patiently as Kankuro teased the ex-Soldier about something, causing the young woman to roll her eyes.

"I'll send word when we get back to the Land of Lightning," Azmaria reassured.

"You're sure you don't need any extra hands to escort you?" Gaara questioned.

She gave him a reassuring grin. "We'll be fine, Kazekage. Besides, you'll need every person you can get to rebuild the rest of Suna."

He smiled lightly. "You'll be careful, right?"

She chuckled in response. "We'll be fine, I promise." They hugged each other tightly, neither wanting to let go of the other.

"I love you," he whispered lowly only she could hear.

Azmaria's grin widened, grip tightening and saying back just as softly, "I love you too."

The line of Lightning Ninja began to fade in the haze of the desert, the sea of blue becoming harder and harder to spot. Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Tamahome were the only ones left, the others else disappearing inside.

"You know... You missed your chance if you were looking for one," Kankuro pointed out. He looked over at his younger brother, who did not return the gaze.

"I wasn't..."

"You're only fooling yourself by denying it," Tamahome added. "You both are."

The Raikage looked over his army of marching ninja, who chattered about how excited they were to be going home. Their guard had not dropped, but still, the stress of war was finally lifting. Though there was one person who did not join in, and he took notice.

"Something on your mind?"

Azmaria blinked, coming out of her thoughts before shrugging. "It's just weird to be walking away again."

"No one is saying you have to return, Azmaria."

"I have a job to do."

The man laughed. "Haven't you ever thought of yourself for once in your life?"

The young woman didn't answer.

"Azmaria you've been taught that others always come before yourself. However, now, I believe, is the time you should start making your own decisions and begin living your life the way you want to."

The comment sparked something in the ex-Soldier's eyes.

"You've got a decision to make, and I suggest you do it soon before it's too late."

Azmaria paused, the Raikage taking a few more steps before doing the same. "I'm sorry, Lord Raikage, but I must resign from my position as a Head Advisor of your council and Commander of your army."

He smirked. "What a shame. You were the best of the best in the Land of Lightning. We will all miss you. I'll have someone transport your things to the Land of Wind within the next few weeks. Go on, and have a good life, Azmaria Harvenheit."

"Thank you, Lord Raikage. Give my best to Killer Bee. Lightning Speed Jutsu..."

Azmaria was gone in an instant.

"Looks like they're all gone," Temari whispered sadly, turning away.

"Better go and help the others, we've got a lot of work to do," Kankuro added as they headed back in.

Gaara was hesitant before looking away unhappy, shoulders hunched in disappointment. Tamahome stayed though, lost in thought. There was a lot on his mind since the end of the war, now that there was time to think about things besides fighting.

There was a flicker of movement in the distance, catching his attention as he searched for it again. It was blue with a silver glint to it, coming in fast. A chuckle came from his throat, making the three turned around.

"What's so funny?" Temari asked.

"Oh, nothing, but I think we'll be receiving an extra hand with the rebuilding efforts for Suna in a few seconds."

They were confused, looking out over the desert and spotting the approaching warped object. It headed straight for Gaara, slamming into the Kazekage's body and making them both fall heavily to the ground. Azmaria was latched onto the young man around his neck, panting heavily from the run. The Kage was in shock, as well as the others from the sudden approach.

"A-Azmaria...?" Gaara questioned, the air having rushed from his lungs. "What... are you doing...? Why–?"

She kissed him, long and hard, hands tangling in his red hair to try and pull him closer, which he aided in seconds later by entwine his fingers in her own.

"I want to stay," the ex-Soldier whispered when pulling away for air. "I've always wanted to stay. I don't want to leave, not ever! Please let me stay, Gaara!"

He pulled her forward in a passionate kiss before answering, "You don't have to ask. The answer will always be yes."

Tears of joy fell from the ex-Soldier's eyes as they hugged each other tightly, oblivious to Kankuro, Temari, and Tamahome who were watching.

"Something tells me we'll be having another wedding on our hands soon," Temari mused quietly. In order to not ruin the moment.

"Hopefully after we rebuild Suna," Kankuro nodded.

"Looks like we're in the way," Tamahome stated. "I'm off to find someone."


The young man grinned. "Their wedding isn't the only one you'll have to be planning for." The brother and sister stared at him with wide eyes and in shock.

"Who?" they exclaimed.

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