Chapter 21

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In the midst of a war there's no time for a funeral. And it's nearly impossible to account for every soul that died on the battlefield. Some jutsus could wipe a person's existence from the face of the earth, others making a body so disfigured it's hopeless to identify. The whole situation is depressing, the very mood settling over Suna as the procession made their way to the north end of the Village into the hillsides that overlooked the buildings below. Eventually they all stopped at a monument that had been erected. The names of every individual that had lost their life was listed, along with the phrase, 'and for those who remain unknown that were lost in battle, may they all rest in peace.'

The siblings stood beside each other, having been the first to pay their respects. The Hokage had returned to Konoha with their forces days ago, those who had stayed to protect the Kage Village escorting Suna's villagers' home. The Raikage stayed for the ceremony, the young man watching as the man placed a flower among the many others that surrounded the memorial.

His eyes found Azmaria, walking hand in hand with Tamahome, who held Sakura's as well. She had been instructed to remain behind with Naruto and Hinata. Her comrades were still unfit to move long distances in their condition. The Hyuuga and Uzumaki were the first to approach, paying their respects. She then leaned down and kissed the name that stood out among the others grateful. Sanchi Yoshino.

Hinata had survived the explosion; wrapped in multiple bandages, arm still in a sling to support the break that was healing. She had experienced a mild brain injury, but with Sakura's quick actions the young woman was spared permanent damage. She had come to Azmaria's room one day and burst into tears apologizing for what had happened. But the ex-Soldier could never blame her.

"Don't beat yourself up about it," she said. "Sanchi knew what he was doing and would've done it against in a heartbeat. This isn't your fault."

Azmaria gripped Tamahome's hand tighter as they approached, taking a shaky breath. Laying their flowers on the bed, his arm wrapped around the ex-Soldier's shoulders firmly as Sakura rubbed his back in comfort.

"Why the hell is it always the wrong ones to go?" Temari sighed heavily.

"Life is never fair," Shikamaru stated, coming up beside his wife.

"You can say that again," Kankuro muttered.

Stepping to the side, the Medical Ninja stared down at his partner with red eyes. When he had finally come to check on Azmaria when Gaara left to handle Kage duties, the two of them broke into tears once more, hugging each other tightly. Nothing would ever be the same. A gaping hole would be in their lives at the absence of their partner's laughter and quick comebacks. His ability to bring light to any situation would be empty as they waited for the young man to say something... anything, only to be met with silence. Whenever the Kazekage was busy she spent the time with her partner, unsure of what to do with herself, but not wanting to be alone.

"I buried him separately from the others," his voice shook. "With his own grave stone. On the edge of the training field that we always trained at and took his students."

Their gaze shifted towards the three ninjas in line as they cried into each other's shoulders. They had survived the war under Baki's guidance, having single handedly held back Sound Ninja when they attempted a sneak attack until reinforcements arrived. It was incredible really for their age, and as Chuunin, but they didn't expect anything less from Sanchi's pupils.

"I wish I could have helped you," she whispered.

"I needed to do it before anyone else took him away."

The young woman nodded, glancing over as the siblings approached.

"Are you alright?" Gaara asked.

"I will be," she answered.


Upon returning home, Gaara was the last to retreat to his room. However, the Kazekage paused, seeing a bedroom door cracked open. Quietly opening it further he found Azmaria lying on her own bed. The walls were still bare from her moving out all those years ago, making the space seem emptier than usual. A meow sounded at his feet, glancing down as Aslan rubbed up against a leg. He had no idea where the animal would go and hide when battles would rage on, but he would often catch the ex-Soldier playing with him when they would come home after a long day, soft laughs escaping her lips, as he would try catching a toy.

Aslan left the room and Gaara closed the door behind him. The young woman had her back to the young man, but he knew she wasn't sleeping. After the ceremony, Azmaria had excused herself from the others in the direction of the training grounds. He knew it was to find Sanchi's grave, and wished to follow, yet forced himself to stay. She needed to do it on her own. When the young woman returned home, she didn't say a word. Slipping onto the bed his arm snaked around her waist. Shifting, the ex-Soldier turned so she was lying on her back, the Kazekage propping himself up with the elbow.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked softly.

"I'm not sure... My feet were leading the way," Azmaria answered.

The young man gave her a small smile and she struggled to return it. Her expression fell quickly, worrying him.


"What is it, Azmaria?"

"We leave tomorrow."

He couldn't speak, hand coming up and cupping a cheek as the thumb stroked the skin. But there was so much the young man wished to say. Instead Gaara bent down kissing the ex-Soldier passionately, causing her breath to hitch and fingers to tangle in his hair. The Kazekage honestly didn't know how he was going to be able to say goodbye to Azmaria for a second time and the thought made his grip on her tighten, their bodies now flush against each other. He didn't want to think about it, but forget he even heard those words leave her mouth. To never let go of her. To never forget her presence. But wishing to take away all her sadness and be rid of his own all at once.

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