Chapter 10

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"You'd think they'd just give up already," Kankuro grumbled. "After all, we can always see them coming in the distance. Let's be honest, we aren't in Rock Country so there's no place they can really hide."

"Doesn't mean we should let down our guard," Gaara stated.

The older brother smirked, shifting the wrapped puppet on his back. "Shall we join the others?"

Jumping off the edge they walked to the front of their waiting forces, and the young man found himself beside Azmaria.


"They are preparing for a long-range attack to try and cause a blind spot," she answered.

"How can you tell?" Sanchi asked.

"The breeze. It's changing direction."

Hands at the ready, Gaara waited for the signal, eyes not leaving the approaching enemy in the haze. The field was eerily quiet for the Sand, Leaf, and Lightning Ninjas. No one daring to say a word.

"Now!" the ex-Soldier shouted.

Palms slamming against the sand a ripple channeled through the ground before reaching the halfway point between both sides and shooting high into the air. Seconds later a loud thuum echoed as an invisible sound attacked hit. And it was then the forces watched as the ground in front of them shifted as Iwagakure and Sound Ninja emerged. However, they seemed stunned to be clearly facing the forces in Suna.

"They didn't think the wall would go up so soon!" Temari exclaimed.

Of course, Azmaria realized, hiding a section of their forces underground and using the rock far below the sand to guide them, the enemy hoped to surprise them this time when suddenly appearing on the other side of the barrier. However, they weren't expecting them to release early and meet further up the field.

"Take them out!" Baki ordered.

The first line rushed forward at the caught off guard enemy quickly dispatching them as Gaara's shield fell. Iwagakure and the Sound were now charging, realizing their attempt had failed.

"Brace yourselves!"

Leaf, Wind, and Lightning Ninja began charging as well, eyes never straying from the enemy as they approached. Hands at the ready, Azmaria and Temari pulled forward from their comrades throwing around their weapons and hurled the first two lines of the opposing forces into the air. Breaking through, both sides merged together.

Gaara couldn't see any of his allies in the sea of ninjas and bloodshed only being able to focus on those surrounding him. Trying to kill him. The sand suffocated the enemy as many were buried alive. As the Kazekage finished crushing a Sound Ninja, an attack barreled through the sand causing his foot to slam against the ground and create a wall of thick sand and rock as a roadblock. With an explosion that caused the jutsu to crumble and the sand to explode from the energy, a man was revealed to be standing on the other side staring at Gaara with a smug grin.

"My Lord, Kazekage, we finally meet."

Eyes narrowing the sand swirled around the young man, more on edge with the enemy standing before him without a care to the war going on around them. Even the Sound and Iwa Ninja had stopped their attack on the Kazekage turning their attention to his forces instead.

"Who are you?"

"I am called Isshin, Commander of the Sound army. It is an honor to be in your presence."

Giving a small bow Gaara's brows continued to narrow, not dropping his guard. What did this man want?

In the sea of bloodshed Azmaria didn't hesitate to cut down those in her way performing countless jutsus without slowing down. Eventually, the enemy became wary around the ex-Soldier, no longer rushing forward without analyzing the situation like in the beginning. Finally, they were learning not to be so arrogant with thinking they were invincible. Staring at the pile of bodies surrounding the young woman.

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