Chapter 2

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To say the first two days of battle were rough was putting it lightly. Suna was not prepared for the numbers that came, and found themselves outnumbered three-to-one. Their only hope was to get word to the Hokage and ask for assistance. However, there was a chance that they wouldn't come. After nearly a decade of peace, no land would wish to go to war after the last one.

"You sure about this?" Temari asked.

"I've got it," Sanchi assured. "Don't worry. Shikamaru will come in a heartbeat, as well as Naruto and the others. They'll even go against the Hokage's orders if they have to. Just them alone will be a big help. And I'll get through the wall of ninja that Iwagakure and the Sound have formed out there, don't worry."

"Be careful," Gaara spoke. "Run as fast as you can."

"Like the wind." Sanchi lowered himself into the sewer that ran under Suna, Temari closing up the hole behind him. An explosion sounded from outside, showing that things were escalating.

"Let's go," Gaara ordered. The two then rushed into battle once more.

Sanchi kicked out the metal grate at the end of the pipe that came out at the base of the rocky mountain. Hidden from of the treacherous terrain around it. The area smelled something awful, the young man thankful for the black mask her wore that complemented his attire to further blend into the darkness. After securing his weapons once more, Sanchi rushed off into the night. The sound of screams and clashing weapons grew faint as more time passed. Easily sneaking around the guards set in place by the enemy to keep their forces contained. The lack of noise made him run faster.


"We're going!" Naruto exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

He had been in the Hokage's office when Sanchi barreled in, exhausted. At first, he couldn't breathe, and collapsed to the ground in a fit of strangled breaths. Tsunade rushed around the desk to help Naruto lay him down before the young man went into shock.

The Hokage called a meeting the minute she read the note Sanchi carried. Shinobi of all ages attended, and packed the room.

"I have to agree with Naruto," Sakura spoke up. "Suna is in trouble."

"I'm leaving," Shikamaru stated. Already headed for the door.

"We're all going," Tsunade spoke up. "Everyone has a choice here. I'm leaving a ninja force in Konoha to protect the Village in our absence; a fourth of ANBU will be staying behind as well. Upon arriving to Suna, a fourth of our forces will escort civilians in critical need back to Konoha to make sure they are cared for. The rest will stay in the Land of Wind."

"When do we leave?" Kiba asked.

"Thirty minutes. Those wishing to stay in Konoha come forward. If there aren't enough then I will be selecting candidates to remain behind. Now move!"


"Where the hell is Konoha?" a ninja yelled.

An explosion came from down the street inside the walls of Suna.

"Sanchi should've gotten there by now!" Temari shouted over the noise. "A half a day tops!"

"We won't make it that long!" Baki yelled. His kunai slashed through a Sound Ninja, killing him.

It was true. Those who could not fight hid underground. The injured ninjas in the hospital were even fighting, Kankuro and Tamahome among of them. Gaara seemed to be killing an enemy ninja every second. Commanded the sand to swallow them up and suck the life out of their bodies.

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