Chapter 6

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When in war bathing was a luxury. Water was never wasted, especially with numbers such as these inside the walls that nearly exceeded the Village's civilian numbers. So just taking a wet cloth and wiping the sweat and dirt from her face, arms, and legs caused Azmaria to sigh in relief. Hair pulled back into a high bun, the young woman watched Aslan absent mindedly as the cat lounged on the dresser in front of the mirror. Another day, waiting to see if the enemy would attack yet again. Another day, searching for answers and getting nowhere closer to the truth as to why this all began in the first place.

There was a knock on the door, beckoning her visitor inside. She wasn't surprised to see it was Gaara. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine," he answered. The wound had long since healed, but internally sometimes the old injury would hurt if his body moved the wrong way. In time it would go away. Azmaria would still administer treatment to the scar to try and speed up the process. No one could afford to wait and heal at a normal rate. Especially not the Kazekage.

"I was getting ready to head out. Are you?"

"How long were you on shift last night, Azmaria?"

"Long enough."

The young man knew very well that she had worked well past the time given to her by Ibiki. And she knew there was no use in trying to explain herself or lie. Skating around the truth was better in her opinion.

Gaara sighed. "You know how I feel if our ninja don't get enough sleep."

"I'll be fine."

"You used a lot of chakra in the hospital yesterday."

Another wave of surprise attacks left the outer ranks scattered and injured. Even though they quickly handled the matter and sent Iwagakure and the Sound back to their camp, the damage was done. Those with even the smallest medical training were called into the hospital to assist.

"You know very well I recover a lot faster than the normal ninja," the young woman stated.

True, but that didn't make him feel any better about the situation that she was heading back into the field. He turned away as she pulled on the uniform, discarding the nightshirt and shorts on the bed. Aslan purred as Azmaria stroked his back.

"Is there something else on your mind, Gaara?"

"What makes you say that?"

Grinning, she allowed the animal to move away and exit the room. "Because I know you. If this conversation was over you, would have left when knowing I was about to change. So... what's eating away at you?"

The Kazekage wondered to himself if he should even voice the question he longed to have answered. But at the same time, wondered if Azmaria would even say anything. Slowly turning to face the ex-Soldier their eyes connected before finally deciding on what to do.



"The letters... why did they stop?"

A moment of silence passed between the two as a sad smile came to her lips. There had been a time when first returning to the Land of Lightning that the two would share correspondents back and forth. At least once or twice a month. But then Gaara stopped receiving those letters. No matter how many he sent. None returned.

"It was partly the Sound's fault. They had begun intercepting our curriers, so we couldn't take any more chances and risk sensitive information from getting out. The Raikage cut off all communication from those beyond the Leaf. Unless a messenger was personally sent with an urgent matter. That was when we first began realizing that something was wrong, and the Hokage agreed from secret messages that were brought to her office.

"There wasn't enough time for me to tell you in some way what was happening because that may have tipped the enemy off that we were onto them. And also..."

Gaara waited for her to continue. Azmaria couldn't look him in the eye anymore, looking off to the side.

"I can't fully put the blame on the Sound. It's my fault as well. It was hard. And still is. Wanting to be in two places at the same time. It's impossible, especially with the distance between the two Villages. But a part of me... always wants to be here... And then another part knows its duty and wants to be in Kumogakure."

The Kazekage could understand both sides to the story. How could he be angry with her for that? Being conflicted. He too felt the same way, ever since the ex-Soldier had left. Yet at hearing her answer there was a small glimmer of hope at the fact that she missed them. Missed Suna. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough for Azmaria to convince herself to stay once this was all over.

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