Chapter 19

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The front of the hospital exploded, sending the ninja protecting the area skyward, or back inside the building. Azmaria was thrown against the steps harshly, covering her head in protection from any falling debris. When it had finally settled the young woman dared to look at the destruction. The cloud of smoke that cloaked the area made it hard to see and breathe. Parts of the building that had become detached lay scattered in all directions.

"Tamahome! Sanchi!" the young woman croaked. There was a horrible ringing in her ears as she stumbled to stand. "Sakura! Hinata!" She could barely see a thing.

Those who had been caught in the blast struggled to get their bearings. Many were either hurt or dead, the ones alive dazed, having no idea what happened. There hadn't been enough time to process that a bomb had gone off. A section of the blown apart hospital moved, Tamahome surfacing with Sakura under him.

"We're alright," the young man breathed, Sakura coughing from the dust. He tossed the section away.

"Bastards," she spat. "I can't believe they attacked the hospital!"

"Where's Sanchi?" Azmaria asked. "And Hinata?"

"They were..."

The words died in the Sand Ninja's mouth, the ex-Soldier whirling around and ran closer to where the explosion had occurred.

"Sanchi? Sanchi!"


She found him half buried under the rubble, blood pouring from a head wound.

"Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

"I've been better," he rasped out.

"I'm gonna get this off, just hold on!"


Chapter Inspiration: Quixote by Bond


Azmaria froze upon examination of her former teammate's body once the object was removed. It was bad. Really bad.

"Shit..." Sanchi mumbled. Just the expression on her face said enough. "Guess I wasn't fast enough this time, huh, Az?"

Her hands were shaking. His entire right side was crushed, blood everywhere. There were bones sticking out of the skin, pieces of the wreckage lodged into the ninja's body. It took everything in Azmaria to not get sick.


Sparing a glance, the young woman watched as Naruto pulled his girlfriend from the rubble and into his arms. She was unconscious, Shikamaru and Kiba at his side.

"Hinata? Hinata!"

"I managed... to push her away..." Sanchi spoke in labored breaths, drawing Azmaria's attention back to him. "Guess I didn't push hard enough..."

"J-Just hold on," her voice shook. She ripped off a piece of her uniform to try and tie off his other, able arm that was bleeding. "Sakura and Tamahome will fix you right up, and–"

"It's too late, Az... It's fine though... I can't really feel a thing. Guess I should be lucky."

"Az?" she heard Tamahome call, running over. However, he halted upon seeing his partner's destroyed body, barely clinging to life. His stomach dropped, face paling. "Oh god..." he sobbed.

"We had... a good run... didn't we? I'm really happy that... you came back, Az. I don't think... I've ever told you... just how much I missed you. It's too bad... that we can't go back to the way things were... I won't see this war end..."

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