Chapter 13

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Temari and Shikamaru's wedding was a beautiful affair. Azmaria looked over the decorations and the last-minute details with the team of decorators. Sakura squealed in excitement.

"This is going to be the wedding of the year!"

The ex-Soldier smiled. With war going on, that was staying something. Looking over the hall, everything was set. War was no place for a wedding, but sometimes... sometimes it was needed. A chance to get away from it all; to at least feel happiness if but for one night.

"Az, come on!" Tenten called. "We need to get ready!"


The light baby blue dresses for the bridesmaids and maid of honor were hanging in their rooms. The outfit reached just above the knees, flowing out once settling over their hips. Fabric wrapped around their abdomens, giving off a folded shell design around their chests. And one strap was laid perfectly over their right shoulders. Temari's white dress was beautiful, reaching the ground, accenting her fit body shape. It had no straps, Azmaria braiding the bride's hair over a shoulder, and decorating it with white desert lilies. When Azmaria fixed the veil in the woman's hair, she smiled.

"You look beautiful, Temari."

They all did, actually, being able to scrub away the dirt and grime from their bodies properly for the first time in months.

The bride stood, looking herself over. "Without your help I wouldn't have even gotten this far," Temari laughed, turning to her friend.

Azmaria took her wavy hair back to pin it into place with the diamond clip Temari had gotten for her when she left the Kazekage Household three years ago. Pulling the hair to one side, it tumbled down a shoulder in multiple layers. Her makeup was simple, a hint of light blue on the eyelids, and mascara lining the eyelashes. Slipping into the white sandals, Azmaria stood, smoothing out the dress.

Temari's eyes widened. "You're going to drive him crazy..." she whispered.

The maid of honor looked up in confusion. "Drive who crazy?"

Shaking her head, the door opened, revealing Kankuro. "We're almost ready," he announced. His eyes bugged out of his head at the sight of them. "Whoa! I almost don't recognize you guys!"

"Is it that bad?" Azmaria asked, mildly embarrassed.

Kankuro shook his head. "Completely the opposite."

"Kankuro! Out of the way!" Sakura spoke from behind. "Az and Temari need their bouquets."

Rolling his eyes, the brother left the room. Holding the bouquet of desert lilies in hand, Azmaria couldn't help but stare. Her stomach had butterflies in it, which didn't make any sense because Temari was being the one getting married, not her. Shaking her head, everyone filed into the designed lineup.

The music started, doors opening. Sakura went first, followed by Tenten, Ino, and Hinata. Walking down the aisle, Azmaria's eyes scanned over Shikamaru's lineup. Naruto, Kiba, Shino, and Gaara. Choji was his best man. However, the ninja's eyes went back to Gaara, who stared right at her from the end of a row, eyes wide. A small smile was on her lips, and upon reaching the front was finally able to pull her attention away from him. Kankuro walked Temari down the aisle next in order to hand her off to Shikamaru before taking a seat.

Everything during the ceremony went as planned. When they were pronounced husband and wife, the two lovers kissed. The entire hall broke out into applause. All of the guests then retreated into the main hall, having been reassembled thanks to the Kazekage's sand, where the tables were set, discarding their jackets and other items on their designated tables. Music started up to start the party, food being served as well. Choji proposed a toast to the couple, Azmaria standing as well to wish them nothing but happiness in the future years to come.

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