Chapter 23

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The streets of Suna were bustling with activity, the sounds of it coming in through the open window in the bedroom. The ex-Soldier sat on the floor rummaging around the many boxes that had been sent by the Raikage. Though due to the efforts to rebuild Suna the ex-Soldier came home nearly every night exhausted and they were forgotten. Today, Azmaria swore she would go through them. It had nearly been a year since she had officially moved back in and the rebuilding efforts were still in effect. Barely half of the Village had completely risen from the ashes of the war, the work long and tiring. But every day a section was erected, watching a family able to go home made it all worth it.

The young woman smiled as Aslan rubbed his face up against her stretched out leg, fishing out a book and flipping through the pages randomly. A dried-up flower was revealed and the young woman paused before lightly touching the delicate petals. Temari and Shikamaru's wedding. Why did it feel like so long ago when only two years had passed? They were living here in Suna. With her position as the Kazekage's advisor she could not leave her duties. They were expecting their first child in the winter.

A lot of things had changed, but for the better. Scratching the cat behind its ears absentmindedly Azmaria glanced up at the closet door that had a dress hanging from the hook. It was a lovely dark purple, though the item needed some work in the fitting area. Sakura hadn't picked the most flattering outfit, but the young woman had seen worse during her time in the Land of Lightning. The ex-Soldier shuddered from the memory of a Councilwoman's wedding and the poor girls who had to wear the chosen bridesmaid dresses. It could be worse.

Tamahome was a nervous wreck with the upcoming date. It was funny, really, seeing him so worked up. After all the Medical Ninja was moving to Konoha and leaving the hospital in the care of Ginta, who had been the young man's apprentice for the last five years. There was nothing to worry about, but the fact that he was leaving his home it was a lot to take in. Azmaria knew the feeling.

The hand still in the box brushed up against something, causing Azmaria to pause before pulling it out. She paused to take in the contents of the item between her fingers in mild surprise. How long had it been since she saw this thing?

God, Azmaria felt old staring at the picture. They had been around eighteen at the time and she smiled, biting her lip at the memory. Though things never went according to plan in the ex-Soldier's eyes everything had been perfect. And now... now she was slowly picking up the pieces to make it perfect again. It was getting there.

Arms circled her waist from behind, startling Azmaria for a moment before grinning. She had been so lost in thought the young woman didn't hear him walk in and sit down.

"I expected to see you up to your elbows in your things... So far so good."

"What are you doing here?" she asked, looking over a shoulder. Their eyes met and the Kazekage stole a kiss.

"Got off early."

She cocked a brow. "Really?"

"I'm known to do it on occasion."

"Once in a blue moon."

Gaara chuckled before looking at the photo. "What's that?"

"I found it in a box."

"Is that when we took a trip to the Land of Hot Water?"

"I can't believe you remember that."

How could he not? He threatened Kankuro with his sand when the older brother made a comment about how good Azmaria looked in that outfit. The young man had to admit it was more revealing than the standard uniform and at the time he didn't understand why he was so irritated... jealous. Now Gaara could laugh about that situation.

The two lapsed into silence as the ex-Soldier leaned back against him. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I miss him..." she whispered.

"I know," the Kazekage sighed. "And it's okay to." He kissed the side of her head tenderly. "Naruto and Hinata are coming in two days."

"That's sudden."

"Said they needed to talk to us about something important." The young man shrugged his shoulders. "We'll have to make up Temari's old room."

Another thing that had changed only three months ago. Azmaria had been ecstatic when the news came that the two were to be married. Both were in the wedding party and during the celebrations a drunken Kiba stated, "Guess superstition isn't a hoax after all."

The table looked at him oddly.

"Come on, don't you remember? He caught the garter at Shikamaru's wedding, which meant he was the next to be married."

A laugh was shared as the Inuzuka's eyes landed on the couple across from him.

"So, when are you two getting hitched?"

All the blood had rushed to Azmaria's cheeks from the forward comment and even Gaara cleared his throat when he choked on his own spit. They had been caught off guard, that was for sure, but neither of them had brought up the topic again.


"Hmm?" she mused. One of his hands laced with her fingers, holding tightly.

"I want to do this properly, Azmaria. But now is not the time with everything that is happening."

For some reason the ex-Soldier found her heart beating faster.

"But I want you to know that I love you." He gave the young woman a peck on a cheek. "And I want to marry you one day, Azmaria Harvenheit. With every wedding we attend my affection for you... it only grows tenfold and I'm even more sure of the fact that I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

The ninja's lips spread into a wide grin, unable to contain herself as she whirled around and launched herself at the Kazekage. The young man fell back with her body hovering over his and she kissed him passionately, fingers tangling in his hair. Gaara chuckled, hands gripping at her shirt to pull them closer together.

"That's alright," she whispered against his mouth. "Because I love you too."

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